Chance me - C in AP Physics

I am applying for biomedical engineering.
Throughout high school I took all honors classes and AP’s when they became available.
I am EXTREMELY involved outside of the classroom.
SAT: 1360
Chemistry SAT: 770
Top 20% of class

In my senior year, first semester,
I got a B- in AP Calc
and a C in AP Physics

Will I get in?

Are you a Wisconsin resident? I’m guessing probably not since you are using SAT?
Your chances for engineering are probably not great, but better for in state than out of state.

Your high extracurricular involvement does not trump your academic record. You may have sacrificed your grades with too little time spent on classwork and too much time having fun (I presume you do the EC’s for your own enjoyment- otherwise why do them). Given your interest in engineering and your nonstellar grades in related subjects I wonder about your choice. There is a lot of math and physics in any engineering. Doing well in HS helps prepare you best for the rigorous UW versions. You also need to enjoy the subjects.