Chance Me: CA Senior w/ Associates Degree + IGETC completion aiming for UCLA, UC Berkeley, Cal Poly SLO [3.94 UW GPA, 4.17 capped UC GPA, <$40k, Econ/Bus Econ]

Demographics: Filipino male, US, Bay Area CA, urban area, public school (1200 students, 300/class), no legacy (not first gen college)

Intended Major: Econ or Bus Econ

Unweighted GPA: 3.94
Weighted GPA: 4.17
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.17

Rank: my HS does not rank

Test Scores: None

No APs available at my HS
IB Diploma available, but I did not take any IB classes
Will have Associates Degree in Economics by HS grad
Will have completed IGETC by HS grad

9th: 2 College Level classes
10th: 5 College Level classes
11th: 8 College Level classes
12th: 6 College Level classes
Highest math: Calc/Analytic Geometry II
Highest language: Spanish 3

Lifetime Member, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Dean’s List at Community College
California Scholarship Federation Honor Society

3x State Champion in Judo
Captain of Varsity Football Team
Captain of Varsity Wrestling Team

Community Service
Weekly Food Distribution
Community Easter Egg Hunt for Youth

Work Experience
Coach for Flag Football Youth League

Solid essays

Cost Constraints / Budget
Under $40k/yr

UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Santa Barbara
UC Irvine
UC Santa Cruz
UC San Diego
Cal Poly SLO
San Diego State

You are clearly a very competitive candidate who is well qualified for every school on your list. However, as you know, the UCs can be very unpredictable, which makes them hard to “chance” beyond confirming that, yes, you are competitive for all schools. What would you consider your safety to be? UC Santa Cruz? That is the most likely one on your list. The rest will all be toss ups. Have you checked how many students from your school generally get accepted to the UCs? Either Naviance will have that information or you can check the UC site which breaks down applications and admissions by source school. That might give you a sense of your chances. Also, you say your school doesn’t rank, but when you submitted the UC application, did it indicate that you were top 9% ELC? That will give you a sense of your rank and if you cross that with the school-specific admissions data that could give you a better sense of where you stand. But again, the UCs are infamous for being unpredictable. I feel confident you will get in somewhere, and likely to a few of these schools, but aside from Santa Cruz, hard to predict where. Check the data I mentioned.

Recalculate your HS GPA with GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub . Use the weighted capped version for the table below.

Fall 2022 admission rates by campus and HS GPA range from Freshman fall admissions summary | University of California :

Campus 4.00+ 3.70-3.99 3.30-3.69 3.00-3.29
Berkeley 17% 3% 1% 0%
Davis 58% 20% 5% 2%
Irvine 35% 10% 3% 0%
Los Angeles 13% 2% 1% 0%
Merced 97% 97% 95% 85%
Riverside 95% 83% 42% 17%
San Diego 37% 8% 1% 0%
Santa Barbara 41% 8% 3% 0%
Santa Cruz 69% 45% 16% 4%

These are for the whole campus. Different divisions or majors may have different levels selectivity (usually, engineering and computer science majors are more selective).

Note: economics and business are also commonly more selective.

Note Cal Poly SLO uses 9-11th grades with a 8 semester cap for the approved Honor eligible courses.

SLO admit rate for Econ is estimated at 19% with a 25th-75th percentile SLO GPA of 4.08-4.25.

For the UC”s here are some admit rates for Economics:

UC Berkeley: 5.3% High Demand major
UC Davis. Does not admit by major but by College: 37.9% for Economics
UCI: 17.5% Economics/ Business Economics: 10.8%
UCLA: Does not admit by major but by College: Economics 11%
UC Merced: 78%
UC Riverside: 62%
UC San Diego: Estimated <25% Economics
UC Santa Barbara: Does not admit by major but by College: 32% for Economics (pre)
UC Santa Cruz: 44.7%

Good luck.

Thank you for the info! I checked the UC site and last year, 64 applied to UCLA, 6 admitted, 5 enrolled. 63 applied to Berkeley, 10 accepted, 6 enrolled. Also, yes I was notified that I’m in the top 9%. Do you think these numbers mean I have a good chance at UCLA and Berkeley?

You are definitely competitive, although both schools can be unpredictable so there are never any guarantees. Hopefully you put together the best application you could - I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Thank you for the info! I calculated my HS GPA. Weighted capped is 3.95 since I didn’t take any Honors classes at high school. I also took 63 units at community college and my weighted capped for those classes is 4.2. Do you think my chances are good?

Thank you, I could use all the finger crossings I can get! :crossed_fingers:

Calculate combined GPAs for all of your high school and college courses taken while in 10th-11th grade combined together.

  • For UC, one semester of college course = one semester course / grade
  • For CSU, one semester of college course = two semester courses / grades, and only weighted-capped matters

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