Chance me Cal Poly SLO please

Hey everyone,

I recently applied to cal poly slo and was wondering if you could chance me and/or answer some questions of mine. I’m applying for a Business Admin. major and my stats are:
GPA: 3.5 (UW) / 4.0 (W) / 3.83 (Cal Poly GPA)
ACT: 33
MCA: 4589

Crew (4 years, captain, and won silver medal nationally)
Boy Scouts (Eagle Scout)

Usher for Greek Theatre (1-5 hrs/week)
Internship (did a some financial and engineering related stuff for a start up for a few months)

My one question is that while I was checking over my application recently I saw that it said I took French 1 and 2 in high school, when in fact I took them in middle school. Is that normal? I actually only took French 3H and AP in high school, and French 1 and 2 were meant to be for middle school classes even though I couldn’t find a middle school section while checking over my application.

@soren99 I think your chances look great! Nice ACT score! You’ll know for sure in about two weeks. You were instructed to place middle school foreign language under 9th grade courses, so it sounds like you did it correctly. Good luck!

As a current Cal Poly student I would say your chances are quite good. If you have any questions though let me know!

Awesome thanks! I really hope I get in

Great thank you, and if I have any other questions I will!

Gpa of 4.25 and sat of 1510 plus sat math 2 790. Chances of engineering?

@party123, Cal Poly caps the GPA at 4.2. You can find their calculator on the internet. The AVERAGE GPA in the College of Engineering is 4.16 under the capped system. The AVERAGE SAT is 1467.

So basically, the AVERAGE Engineering student at Cal Poly is an EXCELLENT student. Your stats say that you are an excellent student, so you obviously have a chance. Good luck to you.

Check out the general stats here: