Chance Me (Choate + other BS)

Hi, I am Sophomore applying to some boarding schools for this upcoming school year. I don’t know if I should be applying as an 11th or 10th grader because I’ve heard applying as a 10th can increase your chances. I’ve already submitted my Candidate Profile for 11th grade, but I’m wondering if I can say in the additional information section of my essays that I am willing to be accepted as a repeat. Below I’ve listed my grades, extracurriculars, and some more information.

My average is a 100 pretty much across the board. I take AP-Pre Calc as a sophomore, the only one in my grade. I also take AP World History, these are the only two APs offered at my school for Sophomore year. Other than that, I take every single possible honors course I can. Freshman year my school does not offer any APs.

I took the October SAT and I didn’t do so good because it was my first time. I got a 1250 as a result. Freshman year I took the PSAT and got a 1220. This year I took the PSAT and am still waiting on my scores. I don’t know if I should submit these because I feel like they’re really low for what I normally get, but then again, because I live in a rural area, my education might not be the best.

For state tests I’ve always scored in the 95-100th percentile. I don’t know if I can submit these to help supplement my application. I’m nervous that if I don’t submit anything this will look bad on my part.

Student Government - 2 years

Debate Team - 1st year
Art Team - 2 years (won regionals last year, hoping to go to state this year; other awards include local things, and my art has been sent to NASA for a school project)
Science Team - 1st year

Research Program - 2nd year; during the summer and whenever I have free time I intern at a research lab, this upcoming summer I’m planning on interning up in Boston. This is my biggest extracurricular with over 100 cumulative hours. I have done work in a couple projects, and while I’m not published yet, I am planning to get published sometime next year if I work hard enough.

My school doesn’t offer an athletic program, but I’ve ran track and cross country for about 4 years now on my own.

In middle school I ran both track and cross country and was pretty decent at it. I also lift weights daily, and would love to do athletics again if I had the opportunity.

Because I live in a very rural area, I don’t have a lot of access to difficult classes, and I’ve gone to public school pretty much my entire life.

My parents don’t make enough to apply to Choate and other BS without financial aid.

I really love the atmosphere of Choate and I feel like I reflected that in my interview. I was very well educated on the school and talked about a couple clubs in my essays.

Please let me know if I even have a chance, because reading some of these other “Chance Me” posts, I feel like I’m so far behind because of my demographics and lack of opportunity due to my location. I was also wondering if these BS factor in school demographics, because I know a lot of colleges do. This would help me considerably seeing that over half of my school is on free-reduced lunch, and we don’t have a comparable education to that of any New England schools.

I think you sound like a great candidate and can articulate your reasons for wanting to go to boarding school very clearly and maturely. That will help you stand out as a candidate. Letting schools know that you are willing to repeat 10th grade is a good idea. As you’ve already taken some APs, they may be more willing to let you come in for 11th.

That being said, it’s always advisable to cast a wide net when seeking FA.

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Paging @ChoatieMom

Sorry, I don’t do chances. I think they are a waste of time. Just put together the best application you can and let the chips fall where they may. That’s all anyone can do.


I hope you are casting a much wider net. Choate’s acceptance rate is something like 16%.

Realize that even lesser known/lower ranked schools may provide a challenging curriculum, or at least a different and equally enriching pedagogical experience.

Think about what exactly you like most about Choate, and use those priorities as part of your search criteria.

You have an interesting profile with less common experiences. Repeating a year when you move to boarding school is not uncommon, particularly when switching systems so you might consider it.

I do think test scores make for a stronger profile, particularly if you need financial aid. The state test scores won’t be relevant. Have you taken the PSAT this year? You also still have time to take SAT or SSAT. SSAT has the advantage of having some built in add on study tools that can help you prep. Khan Academy has free PSAT/SAT tests that can you practice. Most tests are designed to show that spent time and effort. Khan’s offers free SAT tutoring

I took the DPSAT this October and am waiting back for my scores. Thank you for the advice regarding Khan Academy’s free SAT prep! When submitting PSAT scores, should I have my counselor just email the report to the school’s admissions office? I don’t really see any other possible way to do so.

Confirm the schools will accept the PSAT. You can set up a personal account with college board using the email address you used to take the test. You should be able to access your testing history there when it becomes available. Your school will get it a few days early.

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