Chance me Computer Engineering

Applying for Fall 2017
Intended major : Comp. Engineering
International student
IB diploma (STEM Hl’s) PG : 40ish
SAT 1340 (new, first sitting)
Perfect GPA untill g10
International Olympiad representative (japan)
Japan National Cricket
Asian Division champion ( History Bowl)
Student Gov. President in g10
MIT.600.x (audit)
CS50 audit
Intern at Engineering uni
rote a paper from SIT
and other things including sports

All students are admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of intended major. This means you won’t lose your admission if you change majors. It also means you are competing for a spot along with every other student applying to UW with all other intended majors. Therefore not only your STEM grades but all of your academic coursework grades count. Look at the UW admissions information to be sure you will meet the required courses needed in HS and those most accepted students will have had (usually more than the minimums required).

Your junior year gpa counts a lot more than freshman year’s. UW uses an unweighted gpa. This means no extra points for honors, AP, IB. You are expected to be taking the rigorous classes offered by your HS- sounds like you are in getting the IB diploma. You are also expected to do well in those courses- mostly A’s or at least more A’s than B’s. A C will not hurt while several would. A perfect gpa is not expected but a serious drop in gpa would be cause for concern. UW wants students to succeed- this means having good study habits.

It looks like you are doing well, happy to see you also do sports and other nonacademic EC’s. Enjoy your final year of HS.


@wis75 thanks mate, My other grades are all good too, i just do Stem HL’s. I just am really looking forwrd to going there

@wis75 thanks mate, My other grades are all good too, i just do Stem HLs in highschool, but i do take other subjects