Chance me? Emory = Awesome.

<p>Chance me for Emory RD? Thanks!</p>

<p>White male from PA
GPA: 4.0 UW 4.4 W
Rank: 1/~300
SAT: 2010 (670 670 670)</p>

<p>president of student council, founder of volunteer program at my high school, involved in many smaller clubs, lots of volunteer hours @ library and through my own volunteer program</p>

<p>captain of sports team, being recruited by Emory. I emphasize my commitment to my sport on my app. Why emory essay and recs = solid (i think)</p>

<p>I think I have a decent chance, but what do you think? I am considering applying for ED 2 rather than RD just because the odds are better, but I am not totally 100% sure that Emory is my first choice. How much influence will the coach recruiting me have RD? Do I have a strong enough odds during RD to risk bypassing ED 2? Thanks!</p>

<p>Your gpa and rank are obviously great, your test scores are average at best and your ec’s are above average. You should have great chances RD if your essays and recs are indeed good, but it’s no given.</p>

<p>If you are convinced that Emory is the best school for you, apply EDII. You will most likely get in this way. If you are not sure and would like to explore other options, wait till RD, where u have good chances anyway.</p>

<p>I agree with siri4fun…ED II seems a sure in for you.</p>