Chance Me: FL South Asian Senior Applying for Mat Sci In Most Top Colleges [Rank 1/872, 4.0 UW, 36 ACT, NMSF ]

Your school doesn’t manage your total schedule? Generally virtual classes from state or county are approved by school.

Also there are 31 APs excluding foreign languages. How many have you taken?

if you scored a 3 or above on the ap test…yes

sports analytics is something im planning to do externally but also want to be a nanomaterials researcher, i kinda have to see how it will go in the future

yeah they are approved, but i have been able to fit all online classes available and i fit the limit for DE always

For the CA arts requirement, I will defer to @Gumbymom who will know.

@islandmama1 the UCs require that students take an arts course. Their AP score does not matter for this requirement.

Yes, Art History does count.


I defer to @Gumbymom, however, since the poster mentioned that the course he took to fulfil the requirement was an AP course, I assumed the score does count, per UC’s course requirement page:

Exams and Coursework that satisfy “F” - AP or IB Examination

Score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP Art History, Art and Design (2-D Art and Design, 3-D Art and Design or Drawing) Music Theory exam; score of 5, 6 or 7 on any one IB HL exam in Dance, Film, Music, Theatre Arts or Visual Arts

If I am wrong, I stand corrected. :blush:

Maybe that’s for people who self study? @gumbymom will clarify. I thought the course needed to be taken…some students don’t even take the AP exams.

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The UCs do not require any AP exams at all for admission, so taking a year long Art History course would fulfill the requirement, no exam needed.

Indeed, including my daughter. Didn’t submit a single AP test score on her UC app and it turned out OK :wink:


26 AP classes??? Something does not compute here. Just saying… If we’re puzzled by this, might not the admissions committee be as well?

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@islandmama1 and @worriedmomucb are correct that AP Art History taken as a course or the AP exam itself would fulfill the VPA requirement.


What you end up with here is likely a very superficial understanding of the academic material. Colleges want depth as opposed to a Jack of all trades, master of none. They want scholars who make an impact outside of the classroom.


I’m thinking OP took IB Math HL and thus could register for AP Calc AB, BC, and stats on Florida Virtual High School & take the exams without extra study. Same thing for IB Foreign Language SL and AP in that language, etc. And all that was necessary to be valedictorian at this specific, highly competitive HS. It also means that this school is a "known quantity"at all these highly selective universities so they’ll know how to interpret that transcript. Presumably OP is not the first one in the history of that school to pull off what might be considered extra or a stunt and they’ll take it in stride.

For admissions, the law of diminishing returns starts around 10 APs so @avtriviality will be considered as meeting the academic threshold for rigor and then his impressive resume will get him past first cut for sure. After that, it’s anyone’s guess, but I would imagine there’ll be good news.

@avtriviality : make sure you apply to the Honors colleges wherever it’s still possible if you haven’t yet. I sincerely don’t think it’ll happen but just in czse you get shut out from all your most selective schools, being in the Honors college will ease the sting and open up many more opportunities than the regular university.

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Why would you take AB and BC??? Just take BC. I don’t get it…

20+ AP courses is in several top high schools so not sure why this is surprising for soon to be valedictorians . do we think AO’s are stupid not to look at the transcript to know if kids are lying or not when the transcripts are sent by school counselor and not students. You will be surprised how many high achieving kids there are and @avtriviality is one of them. @avtriviality : you have great stats and will end up in one or more reach schools and will find out in less than 3 months. Don’t let the negative comments impact you and enjoy the rest of your high school journey not worrying about the college admissions.

26 APs implies more than 6 courses each year. I don’t know that there are enough hours in the day. Sorry, I don’t buy it, and I interview for a tippy top…


Many schools, as in all the privates and most publics in our area, make you take both: the BC class starts where AB left off. This has been discussed elsewhere on CC so I won’t rehash but that structure enforced by the school system(and it is absolutely mandated in ours—my mathy one was quite bored with the pace to be honest, but nothing to be done) is probably the least unusual thing about the OPs AP situation.

@avtriviality , I think we just do not understand your school! i believe you that this is common. Congratulations on valedictorian and on your resume!
To help chance you, since you mentioned Engineering:
Have you taken AP physics C or 1 or both?
What about BC calc? What about AP Chem? What were those scores?

Glad you are an interviewer and not an AO. rather than look at the transcript to know if it’s accurate you will make ur own judgement because a kid over achieved. This is what’s wrong with the admission process

Something’s got to give. There are simply not enough hours in the day. Then it comes down to ECs, which can be greatly exaggerated…

here is my distribution just to prove it

8th to 9th summer (through virtual school):

human geo

9th to 10th summer (virtual school):
env sci

10th (virtual):


10th - 11th summer (virtual):
calc ab
art history

11th (virtual):

calc bc
phys 2

12th (virtual):

physics c mechanics
physics c E&m
spanish lang