Johns Hopkins
Columbia (my dad went there for graduate school, if that makes a difference)
U of Chicago
<p>I'm going to be a senior this fall, here are my stats:</p>
<p>W GPA: 4.55
UW GPA: 3.98
PSAT: 211
SAT: 2080 (retaking in fall, hoping for 2200)
ACT: 32 (also retaking, aiming for 34)
Class rank: 2/400? Not sure of exact class size..
4 AP so far, 4 more next year </p>
<p>9th grade:
Biology H- A
Geo H- A
English H- A
Spanish 1- A
Gym- A
Keyboarding- A</p>
<p>10th grade:
AP World History- A
DE Sociology- A
DE College Success Skills- A
Chemistry H- A
Algebra 2 H- A
English H- A
Spanish 2 H- A</p>
<p>11th grade:
AP Chemistry- A
AP English Lang.- B, A
AP Gov- A
DE Psych- A
US History H- A
Pre-Calc H- A
Intro to Info Tech- A</p>
<p>Planned 12th grade:
AP Biology
AP Microeconomics
AP English Lit
AP Calculus
Anatomy and Physiology
Medical Skills
Drivers ed.. yes I am 17 and haven't gotten my permit. :|</p>
<p>Extracurriculars: Here's what I'm worried about. I had pretty bad social anxiety 9th/10th grade and I've just started getting out of it this year. Needless to say I wasn't involved in too much. My family expects a lot and thinks I can get into Ivy league because I'm "the best" in my school but I don't think they realize my lack of EC. Here's what I've got:
Key club (9th grade only)
Varsity cross country and Track (11th/12th)
Some amount of volunteering for teacher and for animal shelter
100-200 hours this summer volunteering at camp for homeless/needy kids
Possibly national merit scholar</p>
<p>I'd like to join more clubs Senior year but I doubt that will make much of a difference if I'm applying in August..</p>
Pre-med, nutrition, or psychology</p>
<p>Basically, I want to know what schools are in my reach and what I can do to improve before I apply (over summer/early fall!).</p>
<p>Thanks so much!</p>
<p>you have a chance for Cornell, UChicago, and John Hopkins if you receive a 2200; im not sure about the rest since theyre so competitive
I’m sure you’ll do well. Good luck!
Chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1532343-chance-me.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1532343-chance-me.html</a></p>
<p>Congrats on the great transcript! You’re clearly very passionate and dedicated about doing well in both school and your activities, and you have very good chances at any school (especially if you raise ACT to 34–which, by the way, is more impressive than a 2100 SAT).</p>
-Johns Hopkins: high match
-Cornell: low reach
-Columbia: mid reach (just FYI, legacy status is usually only awarded to those whose parent(s) attended the school for undergrad)
-U of Chicago: mid reach
-Princeton: high reach</p>
<p>Thanks so much guys! Cornell is my top choice because they offer both nutrition and psychology.</p>
<p>JHU: high match
Cornell: low reach
Cornell ED: high match
Columbia: reach
UChicago: low reach
Princeton: reach/high reach</p>
<p>Get recruited and that will open a lot of doors for you. As a runner, I know that’s easier said than done. I think for a guy you need a 16 min 5K and under 15 for D1? Not sure. Try taking a class or two in the fall at a local CC or state uni (in your intended major).
Ooh I had an idea maybe you could start like a food donation thing or try to use fresh food in school lunches or something and apply for nutrition. Good luck :)</p>
<p>Chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1532897-linguistics-chances-updated.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1532897-linguistics-chances-updated.html</a></p>
<p>I think you have a great chance at JHU and Cornell. That being said, I highly suggest you apply to more schools because these are competitive schools. The other schools are based off the luck of the draw…UChicago is especially getting more competitive.</p>
<p>Chance me?</p>
<p>That’s an awesome idea, thanks! Do you know what 5k time you need for girls? Last year I was at 23 min but I think I can improve a lot this year, but not before I put in applications.</p>