Chance Me For a Chocolate Chip Cookie!

<p>I think that you have solid chances at all of these schools. The fact that you got a 4 on BC calc ap might hurt you for a shot at carnegie mellon but i wouldnt fret over it too much. Solid EC’s and well rounded SAT scores, perfect scores are not always the best. You are a great candidate at just about any school.</p>

<p>Cornell - Great Chance
Columbia - Reach
Northwestern - Match
Carnegie Mellon - Match
UI Urbana-Champaign - In
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA - In
New York University - In
UC Berkeley - Low-Reach
UCLA - Low-Reach</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>@raider1999; malbano17: Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Heh, didnt do too well on the AP tests this year, but I thought colleges don’t really look at them as part of your application?</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>I think the now-rising issue of grade inflation is forcing colleges to look at standardized scores a bit more closely- but I doubt that a 4 or two will hurt your chances that much</p>

<p>@idontjoke: what’s the meaning of “Great Chance” haha – would that be a reach?</p>

<p>@raider1999: Yea, I agree, too many schools giving out 4.0s for free these days</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>I’m mainly here for the cookie, but here’s a chance.</p>

Carnegie Mellon
UI Urbana-Champaign
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA
New York University
^These are all safeties/matches. </p>

<p>UC Berkeley
^High match. Do you need financial aid?</p>

<p>Cornell is a low reach. Since you’re applying ED, you’re probably in, though that’s not a guarantee.</p>

<p>@Spatula: Thanks for chancing : ) A delicious cookie has now appeared in your mind! haha
and I will not be applying for financial aid from the UCs – Thanks again!</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>Cornell CALS ED - low reach ( You can never tell with IVIES)
Columbia SEAS - high reach
Northwestern - match
Carnegie Mellon - match
UI Urbana-Champaign - not sure
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA - match
New York University - def match
UC Berkeley - low reach
Thanks for the chance :)</p>

<p>@priyankssxo: Thanks so much for the chance! Yep, admission can get a bit crazy sometimes for almost every top school in the country (both in a good way and bad way haha).</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>NYU- match
Cornell- low-reach. I would imagine if you beasted the other parts of the application, you would be accepted
Coumbia- reach. </p>

<p>Not as familiar with the others, but with your stats, you have a great shot at a lot of the top schools.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Cornell CALS ED about 50%
Columbia SEAS about 40%
New York University about 80%</p>

<p>Tried to use percentages like you asked. Don’t know enough about the other schools to chance.</p>

<p>@Zoidberg93: Thanks so much! You’re the first one to follow directions :stuck_out_tongue: jkjk </p>

<p>I greatly appreciate everyone who responded! Thanks! </p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>Cornell CALS ED - You have a chance!
Columbia SEAS - I think it’s a chance less than Cornell. Columbia can be tricky to predict
Northwestern - Match
Carnegie Mellon - Match
UI Urbana-Champaign - Match
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA - Match
New York University - In! (and jealous)
UC Berkeley - Somewhat of a reach
UCLA - ^^ same</p>

<p>Good luck! I think the only thing that’s standing in your way is the GPAs. They’re very good, but the other applicants could be better. Although, you’ve definitely outweighed the GPAs with your SATs!</p>

<p>I can say that for all your colleges, especially Northwestern and NYU, you are a definite in. For columbia, it’s a little bit of a reach, so I suggest writing an excellent essay and that’ll definitely put you over the top. With Ivies, it’s always hard to tell, but your ec’s and especially your SAT are great, so you should be fine. Consequently, I can see you getting a lot of those acceptance letters! :slight_smile: Goodluck!</p>

<p>Chance me back please! </p>

<p>[What</a> Are My Chances? - College Confidential](<a href=“]What”>Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>Please chance me for brown bowdoin bc holy cross harvard brandeis dartmouth</p>

<p>GPA unweight 98. 6 (i dont know how my school does it)
rank: 3/160
sats: 2090 (690 cr) (690 m) (710 w)
act w/ writing 28
will retake both tests
Awards: Yale Book Award, school awards for debate, national merit scholar, academic awards for school, ap scholar
I will have take 7 aps by the end of senior year</p>

<p>senior year course load ap eng lit ap calc ap euro history theology discrete math honors</p>

<p>extra curriculars: 3 years of debate (captain) (state champion and 4th in another category 18th at nationals as a junior) founder and captain of mock trial, model un, black belt in karate, campus ministry, biology club, president of students against destructive decisions( organizing several campaigns in Boston) have been competeing in mixed martial arts in boston, wrestled and played football freshman year (shattered ankle and had major surgey so I am taking things slow)</p>

<p>volunteering: 200+ at a local nursing home
3 years of special one on one experiences with mentally handicapped
organizes school yearly walk for breast cancer and the walk for life in washington dc
will participate in missionary trip to Puerto Rico</p>

<p>job/work experience: worked at mini golf course and dunkin donuts summer of junior year
construction job with father since i was 14
brick laying job with late uncle since i was 14
construction with family friend for the past summer (full time but min wage )</p>

<p>teacher recs will be very good
essays are good so far
interview: who knows</p>

<p>white male
Boston, MA

<p>@pchs10: When you say “you have a chance” do you mean a reach/low reach or what? haha – Thanks for chancing though! It was very helpful : )</p>

<p>@lysolwipes14105: Thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind! Unfortunately, I took a look at your Chance thread and frankly I am not very familiar with the schools you are applying to. I won’t chance you simply because I don’t want to make any mistakes and look like an idiot :stuck_out_tongue: However, I think that your GPA will definitely hurt you in the long run, but you can definitely balance that with a strong SAT score and essay! Thanks again.</p>

<p>@workhorse92: lmao thanks for hijacking my thread =.="</p>

<p>BUMP! Additional input greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>BUMP! : ) 10char</p>

<p>SATs/School Grades are solid. ECs will be weak relative to the applicants ur up against for the ivies.
Cornell CALS ED- Low Reach
Columbia SEAS- Mid to high Reach
Northwestern- Mid to high target
Carnegie Mellon- Low reach/high match
UI Urbana-Champaign- High safety
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA- Safety
New York University- Low target/High safety
UC Berkeley- Low-Mid Reach
UCLA- Low Reach/High Target</p>

<p>Hope this helps</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
You chanced me but if others want to, the link is here.</p>

<p>@2015Applicant: Thanks very much!</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>Cornell - Low Reach
Columbia - Reach
Northwestern - Match
Carnegie Mellon - Match
NYU - Match
Berkeley - Low Reach</p>

<p>I’m not sure about the others because I haven’t looked much into them!</p>