<p>-CC Transfer Student (2 yrs)
-Major- Business Admin (Haas)
-GPA- 4.0
-Prereqs/Breadth- All completed by Fall 2009 except Calculus (In progress for Spring)
-Completed Honors Program </p>
<p>ECs- Not much. I am in the student government this school year 09-10 (fiscal affairs wing). We hear requests for funds from all clubs/organizations at my community college and distribute about $1.5 million annually. </p>
<p>Work Experience- None after HS. I worked from the summer 2008 to the middle of my first semester (fall 2008) at an amusement park (just so i can get in for free :) ), but I decided not to work in 2009. I felt that in this economic recession, the opportunity cost to go to school was at its lowest point in many years so I decided that I should just try and complete everything and transfer in 2 yrs so that I can entire the job market asap after graduation in 2010 (when the economy recovers, hopefully). </p>
<p>Essays- 8/10 I guess. </p>
<p>President's List: Fall 08, Spring 09, Fall 10</p>
<p>Extra Comments:
-I took 24 units last fall to prove that I can handle rigorous coursework. 6 of the courses were used to satisfy breadth requirements. 2 of them were prereqs. None of them were random easy classes. (4.0 GPA)
-Took all the business-related prereqs my first semester (macroecon, microecon, intro to business)
-I will also have completed both financial and managerial accounting before transfer. will this hurt my chances? B/c we have to take these courses once we transfer anyway. I'm jsut worried that they'll think I took these courses to satisfy prereqs for UCLA biz econ or USC Marshall or something and think that I prefer those schools over Berkeley.</p>