Chance me for Berkeley por favor!

<p>-CC Transfer Student (2 yrs)
-Major- Business Admin (Haas)
-GPA- 4.0
-Prereqs/Breadth- All completed by Fall 2009 except Calculus (In progress for Spring)
-Completed Honors Program </p>

<p>ECs- Not much. I am in the student government this school year 09-10 (fiscal affairs wing). We hear requests for funds from all clubs/organizations at my community college and distribute about $1.5 million annually. </p>

<p>Work Experience- None after HS. I worked from the summer 2008 to the middle of my first semester (fall 2008) at an amusement park (just so i can get in for free :) ), but I decided not to work in 2009. I felt that in this economic recession, the opportunity cost to go to school was at its lowest point in many years so I decided that I should just try and complete everything and transfer in 2 yrs so that I can entire the job market asap after graduation in 2010 (when the economy recovers, hopefully). </p>

<p>Essays- 8/10 I guess. </p>

<p>President's List: Fall 08, Spring 09, Fall 10</p>

<p>Extra Comments:
-I took 24 units last fall to prove that I can handle rigorous coursework. 6 of the courses were used to satisfy breadth requirements. 2 of them were prereqs. None of them were random easy classes. (4.0 GPA)
-Took all the business-related prereqs my first semester (macroecon, microecon, intro to business)
-I will also have completed both financial and managerial accounting before transfer. will this hurt my chances? B/c we have to take these courses once we transfer anyway. I'm jsut worried that they'll think I took these courses to satisfy prereqs for UCLA biz econ or USC Marshall or something and think that I prefer those schools over Berkeley.</p>

<p>“I will also have completed both financial and managerial accounting before transfer. will this hurt my chances? B/c we have to take these courses once we transfer anyway. I’m jsut worried that they’ll think I took these courses to satisfy prereqs for UCLA biz econ or USC Marshall or something and think that I prefer those schools over Berkeley.”</p>

<p>It always shocks me how twisted the logic of worried applicants can get. No, you won’t be penalized for taking (and clearly doing well) in these classes.</p>

<p>As for your chances: Haas is formulaic. 50% grades. You’ve got every point there. Congratulations. Essays are 35%. I can’t say how you did on this part. 15% resume. The student government thing is impressive, but you’re kinda short on this part. That said, it’s only 15%.</p>

<p>I’d say you have a very good chance of getting in due to your grades.</p>

<p>Good chance but an internship would have looked much better, nonetheless it’s a fine EC.</p>

<p>50% chance</p>

<p>You’re thinking too much. You’re likely to get in.</p>


<p>CC transfer admit rate to the business major hovers around 6%. Most applicants are considered ineligible due to incomplete general education or major prerequisite requirements. You must complete all required courses to be considered.</p>

<p>Admission decisions to the business major are made by a committee at Haas. The selection is based on student characteristics and achievements that are in line with the core values of the business school (they are looking for students who have the right “fit,” students who will contribute to the school and benefit from the education).</p>