Rising junior here, looking to major in biology/Econ. Out of state, but I talked to UC and because of an extremely unusual circumstance which involves me moving back to California (which I’m doing regardless) I will be considered instate after one year of out of state tuition (talked to parents we can afford this so finances are not a problem)
3.9 UW GPA
4.3 W GPA
4.4 UC GPA
2270 SAT
6 AP’s by end of Junior Year
Summer research at UW, doing cancer research this summer
Varsity Track and Varsity Soccer
President and Founder of Science Club
President and Founder of Coding Club
Raised ~10,000$ for cancer charity
Created an app on the App Store
~350 hours volunteering at Children’s Hospital and foreshadowing physicians
I realize that chance threads don’t accurately represent’s one’s chances especially for schools as competitive as these but input of others is always helpful 
Honestly u are too typical of applicants to such schools these days- use the summer to stand out
Berkeley and UCLA - possible but not definite. Make sure to have some backup options that you like. Are you applying to UCSD, UCD, etc?
I agree with @KingHuevos . . . You’re too typical an applicant for Brown. However, the UCs rely more heavily on numbers than essays or ECs because of the sheer number of applications they receive (I know this first hand due to the graduating class of my school). While 9 out of 21 kids got into Berkeley and or UCLA, only one out of five got into Brown. That being said, I know that the one person who got into Brown had a very unique story to tell. Since everyone has the numbers, it is important o distinguish yourself from them through an EC or experience. And, most importantly, make sure you’re not just padding your resume for college… Do things that you love to do.
@washugrad yes, I’m planning on applying to UCSD,UCD and UCSB as well as 1 or maybe 2 CSU’s