<p>Hello! I am planning on applying to Berkshire, Northfield Mount Hermon, and Putney for my sophomore year. My aunt went to Putney, and both my grandma and other aunt went to NMH. I don't know anyone who has attended Berkshire but its my first choice :)</p>
<p>I'm in all the honors classes offered at my small public school, EXCEPT I'm in Algebra 1. Math is hard for me. </p>
<p>I get all A-'s and usually a B+ in French and math. I'm guessing I'm going to pull in the 60-70th percentile for the SSAT, I'm no genius by any means.</p>
School newspaper
Key Club
Well Wishers (raise money to build a well in Uganda)
French Club </p>
<p>Rock Climbing- competitive indoor youth rock climber for 4 years, on a team. I'm ranked nationally in speed climbing and attended the national championships last summer, got invited this year also but couldn't go. I'm ranked divisionally in bouldering and top rope. I'm also very outdoors-y and go on a lot of hiking/camping trips.</p>
<p>I was a middle school mentor last year (You have to be picked out of about 60 applicants)
I created my own Aids Walk NY team, I raised 275 dollars and the team raised 900 in total
I volunteer at a pet adoption place
I volunteer at a soup kitchen that serves those affected by aids. </p>
<p>I would really appreciate it if you chanced me for theses schools (Berkshire in particular) and possibly gave some suggestions at other schools to look at? Going to Berkshire would be amazing! Do I have a chance at and decent NE boarding school?</p>