<p>First off, let me give some background info. I'm a white male from an upper middle class family and I live in Ohio. </p>
<p>Schools I would like to be chanced for:
-Ohio State
-Penn State
-Indiana (Kelley)
-Wisconsin Madison
-Florida State
-Illinois at UC
-UNC Chapel Hill
-Maryland CP</p>
GPA: 3.49 UW and 3.5.. W. I have only taken a few honors/APs
ACT: 28 (no studying/prep so hoping to improve!) will take SAT in fall
Rank: top 50%. very competitive private school</p>
-4 years varsity football.
-2 baseball.
-4 basketball.
-vacation bible school
-youth leadership program
-a couple other clubs
-some volunteer work but not a ton</p>
<p>Leadership: organized/led youth activities at vacation Bible school at my parish every summer</p>
<p>My main EC, which has contributed to the downfall of my GPA, is a job that I have held since beginning of sophomore year. I work about 4-5 days a week, which is about 25-30 hours. Normal shift is 5-11 on weekdays, which KILLED my drive/time to do homework and study. Although I find that when I do have the time and interest, I can excel in the classroom. It's a shame that I didnt quit my job earlier to focus on school but I cant change that now. This summer I am working everyday. I have two jobs. From 8am-3pm I landscape along with delivering pizza about 4 nights a week. On average i work about 50-60 hours a week. </p>
<p>Please feel free to make some suggestions based on the schools on my list!! Reaches, matches, and safeties are all needed. All help is appreciated!</p>