Chance me for Binghamton, FALL 2018 TRANSFER

Curious about my chances for Binghamton; I’m transferring after a year at New York City College of Technology (CUNY)

HS GPA: 76%/2.1 (Pretty bad I know, I didnt try as hard as I should of and talked about that in my essay)
First Semester GPA at City Tech: 4.0 (Applied myself and it paid off)
SAT Superscore: 1290 (retook this December to try and improve my scores and make my application more competitive.)
ECs: Have had several Jobs throughout high school which was mostly what I listed on the common app actives page; jobs ranged from working at a fashion boutique to stock/delivery boy. I was also a member a volunteer helping the homeless club in high school and was in the chamber (honors) choir in high school as well.
Essay: Wrote about my improvement both academically and personally since graduating HS.

I’m applying for the Art History major which is part of Harpur College I believe.


Plsss cmon 17 people lol



Have you contacted them? I’m not familiar with the SUNY approach to transitioning from a City College to a State College, but maybe they can point you in the right direction. It seems like with your big improvement in effort and grades you may be a good candidate.

yeah i have i had a meeting with a transfer advisor, the school i go to is within the cuny system

just wondering if my grades and sat score r good enough, ive heard transfer’s have a better chance of getting in


Hi guys, I just got accepted today to the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science for Fall 2018. My stats: College GPA: 3.551 with 46 credits. Let me know if you any concerns

as a transfer student?

sat score? hs gpa? ecs?

I did not submit HS transcript and test scores as they are not required for students who have completed 30+ credits.

@nhfabn I have read your stats and the information you provided. Here is my thought: Since you only completed one semester of college coursework, your HS GPA and SAT will still be an important factor during the admission, because of your 4.0(one semester) does not reflect accurately your potential to succeed at the college you wish to transfer to, and that’s why they ask you to submit your HS transcript and SAT for those who do not have two completed semesters of college course when they apply to transfer.

If you are curious, my HS GPA was a 2.6 weighted and my old SAT is 1620. I didn’t apply for transfer after my first semester of college because I know that one semester will not overshadow my low HS GPA and SAT.

Also, I think that all SUNY schools, for transfer admissions, they mainly focus on you College GPA regardless how good your activities and essays are.

If you didn’t get in this year as you want, please don’t be discouraged. The gate is always open, apply again for Spring 2019 as you will have more than 30+ credits by that time and that would make up your HS grades and SAT.

I have done a lot of research on transfer admissions, hope this information helps!

they are asking for my mid semester term report which im sending in at the end of the month, assuming I habe a 4.0 on the mid term report do you think ill get in

It’s a good sign!


@UNCISMYDREAM Any sort of evidence or proof to back up your claim about SUNY transfer admissions? When it comes to transferring most schools focus on everything, including college GPA, but its not the main portion of the application. A lackluster GPA with a great essay explaining your situation will get you into a lot of good colleges AS A TRANSFER. I’d argue the essay is the most important part of a transfer application because they want to know why you are a great fit for their school. This is backed up by a simple search on any search platform, such as “Things colleges look for in transfer applications” plus my own experiences transferring.

@nhfabn If they asked for midterm reports, that’s a very good sign. They are still considering you and want to know more about you

@CuseMan44 GPA is the most important for the transfer admissions then come to the essay, if you don’t have high GPA, how you can survive in the top school after transferring there? I just got waitlisted to UNC-Chapel Hill because my GPA is 3.55 which is 0.16 below the average, my essay was really strong and I wrote it only for UNC, but still, my GPA is holding me back getting in.

@UNCISMYDREAM …right, but you mentioned SUNY schools specifically

“Also, I think that all SUNY schools, for transfer admissions, they mainly focus on you College GPA regardless how good your activities and essays are.”

Without any proof or evidence of this, this is a very misleading statement. I know people who transferred into SUNY schools with 2.0 GPA’s. When it comes to transferring to a good school, they care about your essays and extracurriculars because they want to know why you want to switch schools. Obviously, a school like UNC is going to focus on GPA more because of its “academic prestige”, but I only reached out to you because you specifically said SUNY schools.

College hopefuls will look back on these conversations years from now, and they may be discouraged because of a misleading statement like your own, and that will give them false information. Don’t post extremely broad assumptions on here without having evidence to back it up.