Chance Me for BYU

My gpa is 3.62 and sat is 1350. I’ve taken all honors and 1 AP freshman and sophmore year. Junior and Senior year I’ve done full time dual enrollment and I will have 60 credits when I graduate. I know my gpa is low so I’m hoping that it looks good that I’ve taken a lot of college classes.

I think byu only let us write about 2 extra curriculars this year so I’ll probably go with orchestra and volunteering at the animal shelter.

I will have done 3 years of seminary because I didn’t do it freshman year. How bad is this?

Btw I’m from Florida and I heard being out of state helps. I’m also hispanic.

Thanks :relaxed:

Your stats are a bit on the low side, but certainly possible. Prepscholar has you at just under a 40% chance of getting in. It’ll definitely be a reach school. The best thing you can do is throw the kitchen sink at them and see what happens. That’s all you can do with reach schools anyway :slight_smile: BYU is overrated, in my awesome, yet purely subjective opinion. It’s nothing to stress over. If you get in, GREAT! If not, there’s 3,000 other schools to choose from. Florida has some of the lowest tuition in the country. Good luck!