Chance Me For Cal Poly SLO Software Engineering

Hello! I’m a Senior. Please Chance me for Cal Poly SLO software engineering major. Thank you for your time.
MCA Score: 4862
CSU GPA: 4.0
SAT: 800 Reading 800 Math
Semesters of Math: 12
Semesters of Science: 8
Semesters of English: 8
Semesters of Foreign Language: 8
Semesters of Visual/Performing Arts: 4
Hours of Paid Work Per Week: 11 (Major Related)
Hours of EC Activities Per Week: 21 (Held Leadership Role)

Are you a CA resident? You stats are great, but isn’t the acceptance rate for CS/SWEng around 6%? So, you’ve got a good shot, but good to have a backup plan you are happy with.

@Techno13: CS has around a 5-6% acceptance rate for in-coming Freshman while SE is around 30% and declining.

@themonmon123 : You are very competitive for SE but are you applying for SE or Econ since you asked for chances for the Econ major on your other thread?

SLO does allow you to select an alternate major however they rarely admit into the alternate major.

@Gumbymom Is the acceptance rate for Software Engineering around 30 percent? Are computer science and software engineering two different majors? Is the acceptance rate for Software Engineering higher than Biomedical Engineering?

@themonmon123: Computer Science and Software Engineering are separate majors at SLO.

The quoted acceptance rates are based on target projections from last year but SLO does not publish the actual acceptance rate by major. Also much depends upon yield. My calculations are based on a 33% yield which may or may not be valid.

Biomedical Engineering historically has a lower acceptance rate than Software Engineering but higher than Computer Science.

Everything depends upon how you compare to each applicant, applying for each specific major based on your MCA points along with the # of applicants.

The following are the posted projections for 2019
For CS, target # of applicants was 5378 and spots available 100.
For BME, target # of applicants was 1929 and spots available 75.
For SE, target # of applicants was 492 and spots available 75.