<p>Chance me for CompSci?
I'm an asian male applying for compsci at UIUC and Carnegie Mellon and I'm not really sure where else to apply to for compsci (looking for scholarships). Please let me know if I have a shot at any other top schools with a chance for some scholarship money. I was thinking maybe applying Northwestern for Economics and maybe Compsci at Cornell or any other engineering such as computer engineering or chemical engineering
GPA: 4.44 weighted, around 3.9 unweighted
Which ACT should I send in?
1. 34 composite, 36 english, 33 math, 34 reading, 32 science and 9 for writing
2. 34 composite (no writing) 35 english, 34 math, 33 reading, 35 science
SAT Math II: 800
SAT Chemistry: 800
AP Computer Science A: 5
AP Language: 5
AP Calculus BC: 5
AP Chemistry: 5
Currently taking: AP Macro/Micro, AP Statistics, AP Literature, AP Physics C, Calc III (dual credit with U of I), Spanish IV
Strong trend upwards from freshman year, straight A's since sophomore year with the exception of a B+ second semester of sophomore year.
National Merit Commended Scholar</p>
<p>EC: Varsity Tennis team.
Varsity Chess team.
Robotics Club.
Very active in local church, served as small group leader two years and worship team member 4 years.
Band for 3 years (didn't take it senior year).
Currently tutor students in free time (mostly math).
Joined math team this year.
Rec letter from math teacher will likely be strong as I did very well in her class (Calculus BC).
Played piano for a number of years and passed the Piano ISMTA Level IX test.
Reffed soccer for local soccer league for 2/3 years and worked last summer as a teacher's assistant for the StarTalk program, a program by the government targeted for helping students learn Chinese.
Volunteered at the library for a number of years (60+ hours) .
Part of a Taiwanese-American program/club that volunteers in the community and earned around 20 hours of volunteering so far from it. Also probably can get 100+ hours of volunteer hours if I ask my Pastor for hours.
I have above average writing skills but not amazing or anything so I can crank out a decent essay. I also live in Illinois btw. Thanks</p>
<p>What’s your family’s financial situation like? A lot of the top colleges are stingy with scholarships per se (after all, everyone who goes to them is really smart), but if you’re in a relatively low income bracket, you could get quite a bit of financial aid (schools usually have average aid statistics or calculators that can provide an estimate).</p>
<p>For the ACT, most of the top colleges require the version with the writing score, so you should send that one.</p>
<p>You’ll probably get into UIUC, but Cornell and Carnegie Mellon (comp sci) will be reaches. For engineering, Carnegie Mellon will be a match. I’m not familiar with Northwestern.</p>
<p>Your ACT is great, but your ECs are all over the place. and Computer Science at CMU is really competitive to get into
Carnegie Mellon: low reach
UIUC: match</p>
<p>CMU: reach
UIUC: I think you’ll get in</p>
<p>Try to get an internship at some local tech firm. Just try and request a job shadow or an internship at a firm and hopefully they will let you in.
If you do that then CMU and Cornell will be close to matches and UIUC will probably be a safety. Otherwise, I’ll say applying ED to CMU or Cornell would definitely increase your chances of getting in. (if you can afford it).</p>
<p>Chance Back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1574143-low-gpa-high-ec-chance-chance-back-request.html#post16549984[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1574143-low-gpa-high-ec-chance-chance-back-request.html#post16549984</a></p>
<p>CMU: reach for comp sci</p>
<p>Should I apply CMU for something other than compsci and then try to transfer in? I’m looking for scholarship money otherwise I’d probably just go to uiuc</p>
<p>Also look at Tufts, Case Western, University of Rochester. For Liberal Arts Colleges, look at Carleton and Macalester.</p>
<p>Merit aid likelihood might go up if your scores are in the top 10% of the class (Rochester), but sometimes the wealthier schools end up being the least expensive.</p>
<p>My family is middle class income. are there any top computer science schools that would be less of a reach and more of a match for me?</p>
<p>High Reach: None
Reach: Carnegie Mellon (CompSci).
Match or Semi-Reach: Northwestern, Cornell, Tufts, Carnegie Mellon, Carleton.
Low Match or Good Fit: Case Western, Macalester.
Likely: UIUC, Rochester.
Safety: None</p>
<p>How many schools do you plan on applying to?</p>