Chance me for CAS please? :)

<p>Ethnicity - Chinese
Gender - Female</p>

<p>School - Your average, fairly unremarkable public school. About 1000 students. In Idaho, though, might be an advantage?</p>

<p>GPA Weighted 4.5
Class rank: 1/234
Course load: Most rigorous - at our school, at least</p>

<p>ACT: 35 Writing: 8 (bleh, i know)</p>

<p>SAT I:
Math - 710
Critical Reading - 780
Writing - 650 got a 6 on the essay (i hate timed essays)</p>

<p>SAT II:
Math II - 660
Biology M -740
Literature - 740</p>

<p>AP Tests:
US History - 4
World History - 4
English Language - 4
Biology - 5
Chemistry - 3 <---I blame this on the teacher :/</p>

<p>This year I'm taking:
Physics B
Calculus AB
English Literature</p>

<p>Essays: Pretty decent at least, might even be quite good, but not amazing</p>

Counselor: Likes me, but doesn't know me that well...didn't see the letter
Teacher 1: Math teacher for 2 years, should be good - didn't see the letter
Teacher 2: English teacher, good but not excellent</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: My ECs aren't that great, probably gonna be my weakness
-No school sports, though I do play sports outside of school for fun (DDR should count as a sport!)
-Clubs: NHS, Foreign Language, Interact, Chess(I've won several chess awards, but again, nothing extraordinary), no leadership positions though.
-Yearbook 3 years, Co-Editor and Editor-in-Chief
-Yearbook and journalism camps
-I've been playing the cello for 7 years, private lessons, school and city orchestra on-and-off through the years.</p>

<p>Community Service:
-Helped out with the community Chinese Association with events for a few years
-Volunteer at the local hospital (very few hours though)
-NHS service hours (40)
-Taught bible study at church to little kids for 2 years</p>

<p>Work Experience:
-JCPenney's sales associate, 3 months
-Summer internship at the local newspaper, wrote and published some articles for them</p>

<p>Other stuff:
-National Merit Semifinalist
-HOBY (Hugh O'brien Youth Leadership) alumni
-Did a 40 hour-research program at the local college
-I wish I'd done debate or something, but that's about the only academic competition thing our school offers, no quiz bowls or scholastic teams or anything.
-Also, I'm hearing imparied, which is why I didn't go for debate. But will mentioning that help or hurt my chances?</p>

<p>wow. i won’t say you’re in but I think you have GREAT chances.</p>

<p>If I were Penn’s admissions officer, I’d let you in :)</p>

<p>and yes, Idaho will help lol</p>

<p>Thanks :D</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>idaho’s gonna get you in. just hope your adcom likes potatoes.</p>

<p>Spud Power XD</p>