Chance me for clemson nursing

Hey! I was wondering if you guys could chance me for Clemson’s nursing program. I’m from the northeast and Clemson is my dream school. If you could also let me know if merit is possible too that would be great!

STATS: (junior)

ACT: 28 (first time, didn’t get a chance to retake bc of the current circumstances but hope to retake and get a 30)

GPA: 4.2 weighted (as of freshman/sophomore year so could go up/down)
- I also have all A’s I’m taking 3 APs this year (Psych, Lang, and APUSH). I took 1 ap last year (APWH) got a 3. Other courses are H except physics.

  • I also took the bio subject test but didn’t do well, so I’m not submitting (630)
  • Next year I plan on taking 3 APs (GOV, LIT, BIO), debating on taking AP Spanish (if someone can lmk if its worth it also haha)

EC: Debate captain, NHS, SNHS, Debate HS, girl up VP, science Olympiad, cross country/spring track, summer camp counselor.

  • I also have a research internship this summer and I’m planning on interning at a hospital next year and shadowing a nurse.

I’m also Asian idk if that really makes a difference.

Thanks :smiley:

Clemson nursing is very competitive as the class size is small. Heard of a few applicants who were accepted to Clemson, but not into nursing, even though their stats were very strong. Showing demonstrated interest in nursing is highly recommended for the most competitive schools - perhaps some hospital volunteering ahead of your application?