Chance Me for College of Letters and Science

<p>Hi all, I'm a high school junior who has just received his first standardized test scores (Nov SAT). I'm going to apply for out of state admission to the College of Letters and Sciences as a history major. Can you guys honestly tell me what you think my chances for admission are based on my current profile.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 (w)</p>

<p>Rank: Probably top 30%</p>

<p>SAT: 1970 as follows 720 Critical Reading; 580 Math; and 680 Writing (I plan on retaking SAT in Jan and then ACT for the first time in Feb. 2015)</p>

<p>SAT II World History Subject Test: 680 (I'll take the US History Subject Test in June 2015)</p>

<p>AP World History: 5/5 (I plan on taking the US History & English AP Exam)</p>

<p>Hook: African-American Male</p>

<p>EC: Track freshmen year; Basketball manager sophmore year; and Cross Country junior year (I expect to be varsity next year)</p>

<p>Part-Time Employment: Since June 2014, I have had a part-time job working 10-12 hours a week at a fast-food establishment.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any advice or input that I receive from you guys.</p>

<p>Oops, my low math subscore is reflected in the post above, my aggregate SAT score is 1970 as follows: 720 Critical Reading; 580 Math; and 670 Writing.</p>

<p>You get admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of your intended major/school/college. UW uses only the unweighted gpa. Your junior year of HS is the last full year any colleges will see so be sure to do your best this year.</p>

<p>Thanks wis75, I was unaware that UW used an applicant’s unweighted GPA and that the application was to the university as a whole rather than individual colleges. Those factors are going to negatively impact my chances for admission. I kind of goofed around my freshmen year in high school and dug a whole regarding my GPA. I’ve been trying to climb out of that whole for the last couple of years now. Hopefully as you suggested a positive grade trend will help to ameliorate some of that. However, even with the benefit of finishing strong I’m concerned about whether a 1970 SAT is going to be good enough for out of state admission given my subpar GPA and the fact that I’ll be competing with STEM majors for any available slots. </p>

<p>Again, thanks for your response and I certainly would be interested in hearing from others.</p>

<p>Have you considered taking the ACT? Some students perform better on it than the SAT. </p>

<p>Your improving grades help- a great junior year cancels out the freshman year. Maturity counts- showing you learned how to study means you are more likely to be successful in college than your overall gpa indicates.</p>

<p>Do not think of this is a competition with potential STEM majors. Some of those may be worried about their verbal scores just as you worry about your math one- both equally at a disadvantage with those who score higher in all fields regardless of the major they end up with.</p>

<p>As a junior you still have plenty of time to refresh your math skills for spring and even next fall testing. Also consider taking the ACT as mentioned above.</p>