Chance me for Computer Science

Major - Computer Science
Country- India
Marks - 94% predicted in final exams
SAT (M,CR,W)- 800,640,710
ACT- 32C,35E,35M,29R,30S,8E
SAT 2 - 790 Math 2, 740 Phy
TOEFL -113
Extracurriculars :
1)Athletics Team for 3 years
2 silver medals, 1 bronze , qualification for nationals
2) MUN
participated in 6 , honorable mention in 1
3) Tennis
twice a week for 1 hour
4)Ran 10K marathon
Volunteer/Community service:
Ball KId in Dubai Tennis Championships for 2 years
Recommendations - 1 ,pretty good
So,what are my chances for UW-Madison?

You get admitted to the university as a whole. Your intended major has no bearing on your admission decision. Likely to be accepted.

Grades, ACT, ECs look acceptable.

can i make this my safety?

A lower percent of non-Wisconsin residents/internationals are admitted, so I would definitely not go so far as to say UW-Madison is your safety!

@madison85 oh! thanks for your feedback.can you suggest any safety schools?


Where else have you applied?

@madison85 I have applied to UCLA, UCB,UIUC,UW at Seattle, Georgia Tech, CMU and Cornell

Best of luck to you!

All of your choices are harder to get into than most US schools. It could be that all, none or some of them admit you. A true safety would be a lesser ranked school than any of these for your excellent but not perfect stats. But- if you chose a “lesser” school you may as well stay in India and attend one of the many excellent schools for computer science there and choose the US for a job or grad school.

@wis75 I actually got accepted into a couple of schools in UK, University of Manchester and Univ of Southampton. So I might consider them too