Chance me for Computer Science

Publics: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara
Privates: USC, Stanford, Ivies

My stats are kind of low, but I have special circumstances and was wondering about my chances of getting into these majors. I’ve also been debating to choose cognitive science for some of them if I’m sure I can’t get into the school with scores and ECs. I also don’t have SAT II scores and won’t be applying as CS to those schools where CS is only in the engineering school and requires subject tests. For those, I’m picking a biological science. For my career, I’m interested in both computer science and medicine but I’m picking CS as my major for now.

Basic Information:

  • Asian-American First Generation Female
  • From California

Special Circumstances:
I am considered a homeless/unaccompanied minor by my school and I fill out the FAFSA with that classification. I also recently filed paperwork to become emancipated and I’m waiting to hear back from the court on this. I pay for my own rent and I have been supporting myself.

Weighted GPA: 4.53/4.0
Unweighted GPA: 4.0/4.0
UC GPA 4.28/4.0
Rank: 7/655
SAT: 1490

AP Tests:
3: APUSH, AP Computer Science A, AP Literature & Composition
(I had a hard time during junior year because I was living alone)
4: AP Chemistry, AP Human Geography, AP Calculus AB, AP World History

Extra Curriculars:

Key Club (9-12) - President (12), Secretary (11)

  • I fundraised $1000 for the Pediatric Trauma Program
  • Presented at District Convention (with California, Nevada, & Hawaii) with 3,000 attendees.

National Honor Society (10-12) - President (12)

Electronics Club - Co-Founder & Vice-President (10-12)

  • I piloted and taught classes about Arduinos for elementary students and created the curriculum for this

Sacramento County Youth Commission (10-12)

  • I talked to various school districts to promote our voter pre-registration agenda & we successfully got our promotional video broadcasted across 3 different school districts. I also get paid a stipend for each meeting I attend.

Sacramento Breathe Youth Advisory Board (10-12)

  • We talked to various legislators about their policies on tobacco use and it was mainly about public health and passing bills & laws.

Mathnasium - Math Instructor (12) (14 hours/week)

Community Service (530 hours from grades 9-11):
Methodist Hospital

  • I volunteered at the hospital in the activities department
    Key Club & NHS

Awards (Mostly Community Service)

  • Coca-Cola Scholars Semifinalist
  • Key Club Distinguished Secretary (extensive 40-page application & only 11 people out of 45,000 members were picked)
  • Key Club Platinum Service Award (200+ hours for one year)
  • Gold Service Award (400+ hours)

Please chance me, I’m unsure if I should even apply for computer science because my statistics are slightly lower.

I thing your determination despite your special circumstances will get you places. I suggest dedicating an essay or more to how you coped/pushed through with your schoolwork and extracurriculars. Don’t apply cognitive science just because you think you won’t get into CS, it’ll affect your work choices later.

Weighted GPA: 4.53/4.0
Unweighted GPA: 4.0/4.0
UC GPA 4.28/4.0
Rank: 7/655
SAT: 1490

Stanford is out but, since when was this ‘kinda low’???

you are a strong applicant for all programs at all of the UCs - though the schools you list above are really competitive and there simply aren’t a lot of seats to go around. I’d add UCSC and UCR just to be safe. Maybe CPSLO, Santa Clara and LMU as well.

good luck.

I would make doubly sure that those schools will consider your status to be as an independent. Speaking from personal experience here, albeit from many years ago and with different schools. Was on my own from 16yo, and had to support myself.

Make sure they know of your circumstances. It’s tough to get 5’s on AP Chem when you are hungry, or have a dishwashing job after school from 5-11pm. EC’s take a hit, also.

I would not limit yourself in your apps. Some of the top schools also have some of the largest endowments, and can be very generous to those truly in need.

Just a tip. CS and ENG are begging for female students right now. Bio, not so much.

Good luck.

@endrealee I see a lot of time consuming EC’s in your post. Wondering how you have time for all those when you also have to support yourself. I do know students in difficult circumstances who had to support themselves. Barely had time between work and school.

Most of these ECs were things I was involved with freshman through junior year. During my junior year, I was living with a family friend who supported me so I had time to participate (but this is considered homelessness because I am living with someone other than my guardian or biological parents) and then I moved out this year and got my own job. At the same time, I used to play piano and I was in fencing and track but I stopped these activities because I could not afford classes and/or did not have enough time to participate in these activities.