Hey guys. I’ve been using college confidential for a while; however, this is my first time posting.

I applied ED to Cornell Architecture.
My stats:
SAT(old): 2080 (superscore, R670 M800 W610)
SAT(new): 1420 (superscore)
ACT: 33 (superscore 34)
GPA 4.07 (weighted) 3.9 (unweighted)
EC: President of Key Club+Tri-M Music Honor Society; Vice President of Recycling Club; Handbell Choir; Classical Guitar; NHS; National Art Honor Society, etc.
Athletic: Varsity Golf
I wouldn’t say that my Letters of Recommendations from teachers are great simply because my teachers are not very good at writing rec. letters; however, I have very good rec letters from other recommenders. One is from my employers. The other is from a big architectural company, in which I completed a short internship.
My biggest weakness I would say is my portfolio(I know it really plays a huge factor in admission). I would say that my drawings are technically weak comparing to those of most applicants who are all well-trained, bright artists.
Other schools include:
Georgia Tech (EA)
UM, Ann Arbor
Notre Dame
UW, Seattle
Maybe also UVA and RPI
Deep Springs College
Plus I am an international (Asian)
Tell me what you think please.
Hope all of you will get into your dream schools.
Oh I forgot. I have a 800 in SAT Math II.
I did poorly on Physics (I have never taken Physics class until senior year). Cornell asked for all scores. I wonder if my poor physics score will hurt me…
I also had a 3-hour and 40-minute interview. I think it went well.
Good job guys…100+ views, 0 reply…
A killer portfolio will get you in, if not, then maybe defer 
Thanks. At least defer is better than rejection 
If you had a great interview and your scores are that good, I think you will be a better than 50/50 candidate. I wouldn’t worry too much about your portfolio. At least you had one. How many 17 year olds have tons of material for a design portfolio? Not many. If it’s truly awful that’s one thing, but if it’s competent and you interviewed well then you have a very good shot of being there next August. Good luck.
Thanks cotopaxi. My portfolio was not really a design portfolio but bunch of drawings; few of them have architectural relevance. Most of them are either fantasy or still life drawings. Again, thank you.
You will probably get accepted to the rest of them except for MIT. Notre Dame is also on the cusp.
@DryMango Lol thanks for visiting!
I am deferred to Cornell AAP.
MIT… I know, their international acceptance rate is like 3%, plus I don’t have any big awards.
really hoping to get accepted to GT tho, it is my match school (at least that’s what I think…)
I doubt I have a chance at Notre Dame, given that their scores are quite high.