Chance me for Cornell ED! WILL CHANCE BACK!

<p>Hello all! I am a rising senior at a public high school in New Jersey looking for my chances at some high level universities. Here we go:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.98 UW (1 B+ In high school, all rest A's)
4.9 W (Ranked 12th of over 430 in class)</p>


<p>33 Composite (33.25 AGHHHH I WANTED A 34)</p>


<p>32 Composite (Should I send this score too or just the higher one?)</p>

<p>I took SAT Subject tests (USH, Math II and Lit) but haven't recieved the scores yet. Expecting high 700's or 800 on USH and Math II, not sure about Lit.</p>

<p>SAT: 2150 (660 CR 690 M 800 W) Not submitting to colleges.</p>

<p>My school doesn't let me take APs until junior year. I took 4 APs this year (Calc AB (4) , Psych (5), Lang (4), APUSH (4)) and am taking 4 (Calc BC, Stats, Chem, Physics) next year. All of my other classes were all honors. I took the strongest schedule I could possibly take.</p>

<p>I have two leadership roles and various extracurricular activities. I am section and marching leader of the trumpets in the marching band, and am involved in countless other musical activities. I also have a lot of volunteering and am a member of 4 honor societies. Also involved in student council in school. Nothing outstanding, but I am pretty involved.</p>

<p>My essays should be about average, two of my teacher recs will be amazing and one will be okay, and my counselor rec should be very good.</p>

<p>I'm a white male, and my only hook is that I am first-generation even though my income bracket is >$150,000.</p>

<p>Will first generation help me at all?</p>

Cornell ED CALS Bioengineering
Northeastern EA (Any merit aid?)
Johns Hopkins
Dartmouth (Maybe)
George Washington U

<p>Any questions please don't hesitate to ask! I will also elaborate if necessary.</p>

<p>Cornell ED: low reach/reach
UVA OOS: low reach
Northeastern: low match, not familiar with their finaid
JHU: low reach/reach (depends on major)
Northwestern: low reach/reach
Penn: reach
Dartmouth: reach
Vandy: low reach
LeHigh: low match
GWU: low match
TCNJ: safety</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Bump! I’ll chance you back if you post your thread!</p>

<p>High reach. For cornell. No idea for others</p>

<p>Cornell: low reach
Vanderbilt: low reach
GWU: low match
UVA: match</p>

<p>Chance back! <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Cornell ED: Low Reach
UVA OOS EA: High Match
Northeastern EA: Low Reach (doubt it for fin aid)
Johns Hopkins: Reach
Northwestern: Low Reach
Penn: Low Reach
Dartmouth (Maybe): Reach
Vanderbilt: High Match
Lehigh: Safety
George Washington U: Safety
TCNJ: Safety</p>

<p>Cornell ED CALS: Reach.
UVA OOS EA: High Match / Low Reach.
Northeastern EA: High Match.
Johns Hopkins: Reach.
Northwestern: Low Reach.
Penn: Reach.
Dartmouth: Reach.
Vanderbilt: Reach.
Lehigh: Safety.
George Washington U: Low Match.
TCNJ: Safety.</p>

<p>If you are capable of a 35 in science and have time I would retake the SAT and get that 34 you were aiming for. With ED though, you probably cant. I would submit both scores in that case. Good chance to all schools on your list.</p>

<p>[Need</a> an Essay Critic? Look no further.](<a href=“]Need”></p>

Cornell ED: Low Reach
UVA OOS EA: High Match
Northeastern EA: High Match
Johns Hopkins: Low Reach
Northwestern: Low Reach
Penn and Dartmouth: Low to Mid Reach
Vanderbilt: High Match
Lehigh: Safety
George Washington U: Safety
TCNJ: Safety</p>

<p>Chance me back…my thread is somewhere on the first page lol</p>

Cornell ED: Low Reach
UVA OOS EA: High Match
Northeastern EA: Low Reach (doubt it for fin aid)
Johns Hopkins: Reach
Northwestern: Low Reach
Penn: Low Reach
Dartmouth (Maybe): Reach
Vanderbilt: High Match
Lehigh: Safety
George Washington U: Safety
TCNJ: Safety</p>

<p>Oh Look, some schools that I recognize:</p>

<p>Cornell ED CALS Bioengineering: Low reach
UVA OOS EA: High match
Northeastern EA (Any merit aid?): Match, dont think financial aid happens though
Johns Hopkins: Low reach
Northwestern: Reach
Penn: Reach
Dartmouth (Maybe): Low reach
Vanderbilt: High match
Lehigh: Low match
George Washington U: Match
TCNJ: safety</p>

<p>I wish you luck at Cornell ED, and NEU EA (I’m doing this!), and JHU.</p>

<p>Bump! Chanced everyone who asked!</p>

<p>Cornell ED: High Match/ Low Reach</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Send both ACT scores. Neither is bad and they will look at the highest from each section. First generation might help a bit. The worst part about you application will be your “average” essay. Also lack of some incredible stand out quality won’t help you at any of the top schools on your list. Nonetheless I still think you have a shot.</p>

<p>Cornell ED CALS Bioengineering- low reach
UVA OOS EA- high match
Northeastern EA (Any merit aid?)- match
Johns Hopkins- reach
Northwestern- reach
Penn- reach
Dartmouth (Maybe)- reach
Vanderbilt- reach
Lehigh- low match
George Washington U- match
TCNJ- no idea</p>

<p>Good luck! I hope you get in!</p>

<p>Cornell ED CALS Bioengineering- match w/ early especially.
UVA OOS EA- reach
Northeastern EA (Any merit aid?)- safety
Johns Hopkins- reach
Northwestern- reach
Dartmouth (Maybe)- very reach
Vanderbilt- match/slight reach
Lehigh- safety
George Washington U- safety
TCNJ- match/safety</p>

<p>Hi Mike, I see you made a chance thread… lol</p>

<p>chance me?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Cornell ED CALS Bioengineering - reach
UVA OOS EA- math
Northeastern EA - match
Johns Hopkins - reach
Northwestern - reach
Penn - reach
Dartmouth - reach
Vanderbilt - reach
Lehigh - match
George Washington U - low match</p>

<p>Cornell ED: low reach
UVA OOS: match
Northeastern: low match
JHU: reach
Northwestern: low reach
Penn: reach
Dartmouth: reach
Vandy: high match
LeHigh: low match
GWU: match
TCNJ: safety</p>

<p>Chance me back at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>very impressive candidate! you have quite the application, be proud of yourself no matter what happens :slight_smile: Cornell ed i believe will work in your favor. I’m also applying, mind chancing me? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Cornell ED: low reach/reach
UVA OOS: low reach
Northeastern: match
JHU: low reach
Northwestern: reach
Penn: reach
Dartmouth: reach
Vandy: low reach
LeHigh: low match
GWU: match
TCNJ: safety</p>

<p>Good Luck :slight_smile:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;