Chance me for CS at GT, UIUC, UCB, UW, etc. [PA, 3.9, 34]

If your school is a T50 in the country, then speak with your guidance counselor. Usually when I chance people, I’ll use a few extra categories and give my sense of chances like this:

Extremely Likely: 80-99+%
Likely: 60-79%
Toss-Up: 40-59%
Lower Probability: 20-39%
Low Probability: less than 20%

For me, I translate a “safety” as a school in my extremely likely bucket. However, with the admissions results from the last couple of years, I’m not sure if anyone has greater than 80% odds of admission to Va Tech for engineering. I’d probably put it as a likely for you. Why? Take a look at some of the results threads from the last two years. Some of the results are astounding as to how strong some applicants were who did not receive admittance.

Class of 2027 - Virginia Tech - RESULTS ONLY (only a few results are here, most are in the other thread)

And even though those threads say ED, most of the EA results poured into the same threads when those results came out.

If you look at the Institutional Data page for Va Tech (select college/department in the upper right hand corner), for class of '23 seniors, the engineering school accepted about 54.9% of applicants.
I would not be at all surprised if you’re accepted to Va Tech…I’d probably expect it more than not. But because there have been some amazing candidates left out in the cold, I would no longer be shocked if you wouldn’t receive an admit either. Which means that to me, this is not a safety.

No worries at all! Either way is fine. But if you want to quote multiple people in one post, you can start drafting a reply and then highlight the words from someone’s post that you would like to respond to. A little hovering “QUOTE” option appears that you can press, or you can just press Q and it will then enter into your reply. Do that for as many people as you would like to respond to!

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