Chance me for Davis!

Hey everyone,
I’m a high school senior. Please chance me for UC Davis, and any other UC you would like or you think I have a chance in. I would like to major in something biology/psychology related, because I want to be a dermatologist.

Freshman Year: 3.50
Sophomore Year: 3.17 (1 semester) 3.50 (2 semester)
Junior Year: 3.67 (1 semester) 3.83 (2 semester)
Cumulative senior year: 3.69W/3.53UW

*Overwhelming myself with extracurriculars prevented me from getting best grades throughout high school.

Standardized Testing:
ACT: taking it this Saturday.
SAT: waiting on results. last score was 1250, yes I know HORRIBLE, but this upcoming one should be higher.
Biology/English SAT Subject Test: taking it November 7

✿ Freshman Year: English, Geometry, Biology, Art, PE, College/Career
✿ Sophomore Year: English 2 Honors, Algebra II, Chemistry, Spanish I, PE, World History Honors
✿ Junior Year: AP Language and Composition, Precalculus, Physics, Spanish II, Hospitality/Events, US History
✿ Senior Year: Probability/Stats, American Democracy/Economics, Ap Literature and Composition, Ap Psychology, Spanish III, Academy of Hospitality and Events ( class solely based on professionalism, resumes, internships, etc.)

✯ Environmental Club
(I use our school garden to teach chil­dren about com­post­ing, environmental cleanliness & use fresh pro­duce to make healthy meals.) >>>10th 11th 12th <<< 3 hours a week for 15 weeks

✯ Gay-Straight Alliance Club
(I am the pres­i­dent, so I’ve co­or­di­nated events and man­aged meet­ings with club mem­bers. I’ve also held booths and games to make the school in­clu­sive and equal.) >>> 10th 11th 12th <<< 4 hours a week for 20 weeks

✯ Equestrian Lessons
(I learned the basic be­hav­iors of horses, how to ride correctly, and how to humanely train and groom horses.)

11th 12th <<< 3 hours a week for 8 weeks
✯ Feminism Club (We dis­cuss is­sues about sex­ism, and spread gen­der equality through­out the school with games, food, and events dur­ing club fair and the school's fes­ti­vals.) >>> 11th 12th <<< 2 hours a week for 10 weeks
✯ Bully-Me-Not Club (Gay-Straight Al­liance and Bully-Me-Not in­ter­con­nected in order to make the is­sues about bul­ly­ing and gen­der dis­crim­i­na­tion very ev­i­dent.) >>>11th <<< 2 hours a week for 5 weeks


Work Experience:
✎ Duwell Medical Intern
(I an­a­lyze and doc­u­ment how patients are being treated in Duwell Med­ical, which is a hos­pi­tal in Bangladesh that pro­vides health care to the poor.) >>>11th ,12th <<< 12/2014 - present and 3 hours a week

✎ Marketing Director
(Versa Wear is an up­com­ing smart jacket that alerts cy­clists about nearby cars. I’ve de­vel­oped crowd-fund­ing, de­signs, etc.) >>> 11th,12th <<< 01/2015 - present - 10 hours a week

✎ Social Media/Marketing Intern
(Pa­cific Plas­tic Surgery Group in San Francisco) Web­site de­vel­op­ment & traf­fic growth on so­cial media. Col­lab­o­rated with der­ma­tol­o­gists to write ar­ti­cles, press re­leases, and blogs.) >>> 11th,12th <<< 01/2015 - present - 7 hours a week

✎ Kaiser Permanente Summer Youth Intern
(As­sisted phys­i­cal ther­a­pists, nurses, physi­cians and pa­tients in re­al­is­tic en­vi­ron­ments. This includes in the OR, labor, pathol­ogy lab, ther­apy, ra­di­ol­ogy and der­ma­tol­ogy clinic). >>> 11th <<< 06/2015 - 08/2015 40 hours a week during summer.

Volunteering (I will have around 300+ hours by the time I apply):
✎ Rabbit Rescue PetCo
(I re­cruit po­ten­tial adopters and help aban­doned rab­bits find new homes. I also su­per­vise in-store adop­tions each month and as­sist peo­ple’s needs.) >>> 11th,12th <<< 3 hours a week for 20 weeks

✎ San Francisco Food Bank
(Dur­ing Wednes­days at our local food bank, I helped dis­trib­ute and pack­age food for the el­derly, and low-in­come com­mu­nity. I also learned food safety.) >>> 9th,10th,11th <<< 2 hours a week for 15 weeks

✎ HealthTech Women
(As­sisted in event setup, and peo­ple sign-in. It’s non-profit and brings pro­fes­sional women across the health­care In­dus­try to learn about new tech­nolo­gies.) >>> 11th <<< 2 hours for 4 weeks

✎ Teens For Charity
(I pack­aged food from the food bank into bags to give to the el­derly who don’t eas­ily have ac­cess to food due to dis­abil­i­ties.) >>> 11th <<< 3 hours for 10 weeks

✎ Environmental Club
(I use our school garden to teach chil­dren about com­post­ing, environmental cleanliness & use fresh pro­duce to make healthy meals.) >>>10th 11th 12th <<< 5 hours a week for 35 weeks

I am a female, born in San Francisco, but my parents are immigrants from Southeast Asia. I’m low-income, and have a very touching personal statement. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Assuming you want to be a psychology major, you’d need at least a 1700-2000 for a good shot at Davis (25-30 ACT). GPA is on the lower side. Other than that, you have excellent EC’s.

What is your UC GPA?

Average Stats for UCD admits:
Average UC GAP: 4.07 SAT: 1924

You need to aim closer to the 1900-2000 range for your SAT especially based on your low UW GPA.

Your have excellent EC’s but they will not make up for the lower than average academics.

Great Ec but as @ancap1 and @Gumbymom stated, improve possibly up to 2000+ and try increasing course rigor to improve course rigor.

Thank you! I will definitely update you on my SAT score, it should come around November 4th. Some people don’t even take the SAT and take ACT, so if I got great on that, would that be good? Also, what about my subject tests coming up?

Also, my UC GPA is 3.75 if I am doing it right.

@lolkar @Gumbymom @ancap1

Still a Low Reach due to below average SAT and GPA.

Agree with @Gumbymom; GPA in combination with that SAT score doesn’t look good.

davis gpa is over 4.0 uc gpa so 3.75 is a bit low so hopefully you have some great essays

@lolkar yes i’m very good at english and I started my essay in in medias res to make it more interesting! thanks for all the support