<p>Please chance me for NC State, Boston University, Boston College, UVA, Northwestern, Duke, UNC, NYU, and Wake Forest.</p>
<p>Asian Female
1st Generation</p>
<p>GPA: 3.7 uw
4.6 w </p>
<p>Expected SAT: 1960-2100 (based on psat)
Expected ACT: 29-32</p>
Social Studies Honors Club (10)
Wakefield Wish For Kids (10)
Key Club (9-11)
Youth and Government (9-11)
-Bill Author (11)
Debate and Speech Team (9-11)
-Vice President (10)
Teakwondo (8-11)
-Demonstration Team (10-11)</p>
National Honor Society (11)
Mu Alpha Theta (11)
Spanish Honor Society (10-11)
National Forensics League Member (10-11)
National Achievers Society (10-11)
Triangle Youth Leadership Conference (9-10)
Honor Roll (9-11)</p>
<p>Summer: Spent over 100hrs volunteering at the food bank
Heels For Success Program (10)
Project Uplift (11)</p>
<p>Your SAT score is slacking. Good schools usually like to see that 2200+ SAT or 33+ ACT. Your GPA is alright but not phenomenal but don’t let that make you lose hope. Realistically out of the colleges you mentioned, NC State and Boston University are basically your realistic schools. NYU is a little bit of a reach and I don’t know what the last one is. The rest are pretty much far reach with your EC’s. Let me put my profile in perspective for you. I’m an asian male with a 3.6 GPA but I took 12 AP’s throughout my highschool career and took Ap Calculus BC in 10th grade and Calculus 3 in 11th. My EC’s are a 2,200 in the SAT, 800 Math, 720 Reading, 700 Writing. 800 on Math IIC, 790 on Chem SAT II, tons of clubs, tons of awards, I’ve applied to like all the top engineering schools. So far I’ve only heard from my safe schools, got $40k/yr from NYU and $25k/yr from U of R. Your GPA is a little higher but your EC’s are pretty low. Don’t let this disgard your hope though. I typed mediocre essays on most but the ones I really want to go to. Try to retake your EC’s and I think the schools like Duke, Northwestern, UC, and UVA require or highly recommend course specific SAT so you should try to take the SAT II’s.</p>
<p>You have a good shot if your in-state for UNC and State (which I think you are, since Wakefield and Triangle are both in NC) I don’t know about the other schools though.</p>
<p>I agree with UNCTillDeath, depending on if you are in state or out of state definitely have an impact, but you MIGHT get a slight boost for being a 1st generation. It’s hard to tell without an exact SAT/ACT score because with the elite schools one or two points can make a huge difference. As for EC’s and volunteering you look pretty solid. Overall I think your chances are pretty good once you get your scores in
chance me?</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m in state</p>
<p>Extra curriculars are good, GPA is ok, however, the biggest factor is going to be SAT/ACT Scores, because they allow people to be compared to other students directly</p>
<p>I think your grades and extracurriculars are fine, but the SAT score isn’t outstanding. How are your SAT II’s and APs?</p>
<p>AP Human Geo- 4</p>
<p>Junior Courseload:
AP Statistics-
AP US History-
AP Environmental Science-
AP Psychology-</p>
<p>Haven’t taken SAT II’s yet</p>
<p>NC state, Wake Forest, BU and Northwestern look like you have a chance. get some more extra curriculars (more sports, and they love more volunteering with kids and so on, i did loads of stuff for kids with cancer). my friend got into wake forest last year with a 3.8 gpa but he got rejeced from duke and unc chapel hill.</p>
<p>you look alright, get some more ECs and definitely bring up the SAT to at least a 2100 for duke and northwestern.</p>
<p>chance me back please! check out my thread :)</p>