Chance me for early decision admission

<p>In state</p>

<p>4.04 weighted GPA</p>

<p>3.57 unweighted</p>

<p>59 of 337 in class (17%)</p>

<p>ACT: 27 composite
Best Scores: 30 English, 31 reading, 25 math, 24 science (waiting for new scores)</p>

<p>SAT: 1140 (math and reading)
Best Scores: 600 reading, 540 math, 570 writing (waiting for new scores)</p>

<p>Senior Courses:</p>

<p>AP English Lit
AP Calc AB
AP Environmental Sci
AP Chemistry
IB History of the Americas</p>

<p>Psychology major</p>

<p>went to VA Boys State</p>

<p>Eagle scout</p>

<p>NHS, Beta, Latin club, cross country, track</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance. The math sections of your SAT and ACT are going to hurt you though. Here’s the Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen College of Science SAT Scores and High School GPA to give you a better idea of where you stand…</p>

<p>SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl
SAT Reading 590 640 590 540
SAT Math 616 660 610 570
SAT Writing 587 640 580 540
HS GPA 3.92 4.10 3.92 3.74 </p>

<p>In my opinion the worst that will happen is you’ll get deferred, and then accepted into Regular decision. If you didn’t pull you’r Math scores up with the scores you are currently waiting to receive then I would wait to see if you got accepted on Dec15th and if deferred, immediately sign up and take the SAT/ACT again so you can hopefully raise you’r stats before they make decisions for regular decision.</p>

<p>Only because VT is largely stats based admissions, if you don’t see the increase you need to get you to the 50th percentile in all areas with the tests you’re awaiting scores, if you can possibly stomach another round of tests, VT is your first choice (I’m guessing this is the case as you applied ED), you feel any further preparation will help, sign up immediately. The December test is early December and the last possibly date for regular decision. Waiting for a December 15 decision would be too late to test again. You run the risk of going through the stress of another test for no reason if you’re accepted in Dec. However if you’re not happy with the current scores, are deferred in December, you’ll have to rely on those scores.
You’re instate which is a benefit, but if you’re in NOVA expect to have an uphill battle (although I’m going to guess Richmond based on your screen name, which isn’t as bad). Another factor will depend on your rigor of study prior to your Sr year (only year you listed). Try to keep your grades as high as possible. If you are deferred, your midterm grades and rank will be reevaluated. Your GPA is great. Bringing your rank closer to VTs preferred 10th percentile would help a lot. </p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Psychology is a competitive dept. Our DD had better stats than that all round and when the VT director came to the HS, she told her that she was on the cusp for even admittance for the psych dept. She recommended she apply sociology and then dual major when she got there. She did that route and was still deferred until RD. She got in as an RD.</p>

<p>Of course we are from NoVA so that probably played big into her process.</p>

<p>Her stats, put her with an AICE diploma, a 4.37 wgpa, 1290 SAT, 27 ACT top 7% of her class. Her issue was she is not a good standardized test taker…test anxiety, so that hurt her on top of being from NoVA.</p>

<p>If you don’t know what AICE is it is the Cambridge program which you must test to get into, all of the students take all honors and AP or IB courses throughout their entire hs career. </p>

<p>I think you are in, but I am not sure you will make the ED cut for psychology. I think if you get ED it will be because of the overall package since Eagle Scout and Boys State, plus being on track and Xcountry allows them to say that this student doesn’t have amazing scores, but academically he does if you add in how much time mgmt he had to do to be doing all of these things and still pull the gpa.</p>

Are applicants not allowed to send updated scores to the college after applying?
So if RichmondSenior got deferred and then signed up to take the Jan22nd SAT he would get his scores back in early February and then send them in before being decided upon and notified in april. Isn’t that a possibility or would a college not accept the scores in this situation?</p>

<p>Thank you all for the advice. Here are some updated stats I just thought of:</p>

<p>-Richmond area high school (surrounding county)</p>

<p>-White male</p>

<p>Junior Year Classes:</p>

<p>AP Psychology: A
AP Biology: A
IB History I: B
Precalculus: A
Latin 4: B
English 11 Adv.: A
Photography: A</p>

<p>so far my grades for senior year are:</p>

<p>AP English Lit: A
AP Calc AB: A
AP Environmental Sci: A
AP Chemistry: A
IB History: B</p>

<p>the first 9 weeks report card comes out this week, so these grades are accurate.</p>

<p>I know last yr they did allow you to send updated scores for the RD if you were deferred. As a matter of fact if I recall correctly, many of the deferred are deferred because they are waiting for 1st semester grades. I don’t believe they get the 1st quarter grades for ED.</p>

<p>At least that was last yr.</p>

<p>I do believe you will get in, but looking at your Math stats I think you need to work on that. People will tell you that the Calc course is not as easy as one might think. 540 SAT and a 25ACT is low.</p>


<p>620 reading
580 math
610 writing</p>

<p>Good work!
Our stats are so similar…
Applied ED
Im in state (Richmond area kinda)
white male
55 of 333 in class (16.5%)
4.09 GPA (W)
NHS and Track
I didn’t list my other extra curriculars but all of that ^ is really similar to yours</p>

<p>woah that’s pretty crazy haha</p>

<p>Vtechhokie said:


<p>bulletandpima said:


<p>I pima is correct in that further information can be sent if a student is deferred. I do not think a January test date is accepted, as the last testing date for RD is December. The information collected after the RD application deadline are mid-term (semester) grades which often are not released until late January/early February.</p>

<p>I think for SAT purposes that is really pushing it for the Jan test date. I would suggest that if you have taken multiple SATs, instead of taking it again in Jan., take the ACT. They will convert it to the SAT score, and many kids do better on the ACT. Our kids on a whole had their ACT score taken when it came to this process. They weren’t too shabby on the SAT, but they still did better on the ACT.</p>

<p>There is a difference between being deferred and applying RD.</p>

<p>With the economy as it is, many flagship schools, place into the equation if they apply ED, not only for acceptance, but merit.</p>

<p>Our DS1 is at UMDCP, and I can tell you, if you only apply for RD, you will most likely not get one penny in merit, and additionally, RD has a harder time of getting accepted.</p>

<p>VT appears to take only about 25% of applicants for ED, and then defers to RD. However, those ED’s are on their radar over the RD’s. They are looking for a little more proof that they will make it at VT.</p>

<p>The cliche for UVA and VT cannot be stressed enough. VT is easier to get into, but hard to stay. UVA is hard to get into, but easier to stay. </p>

<p>VT is very stingy compared to other flagships when it comes to ED.</p>

<p>UPDATE: I just got my ACT scores back today. I still got a 27 composite score, but my math score went up from 25 to 27, so I guess it was kind of worth it.</p>

<p>you’re in brah</p>