<p>GPA: 3.9 UW (school doesn't weight)
Rank: 13/262 UW
SAT: 2260 (700 CR, 770 M, 790 W, 10 Essay)
SAT II: Math 2 (750) US History (680) Literature (predicting 710-730)
AP: AP Calc AB (5), AP Calc BC (4), AP English Lang (5), APUSH (5), AP Physics C: Mech (3)
Senior Year Courses: Most rigorous in my class for 3 years. AP English Lit, AP US Gov and Politics, AP Statistics, AP Environmental, AP French, Sales and Marketing 3 (Student Store Management)</p>
<p>Awards: DECA State Finalist, National History Day Regional Winner and State Finalist, Presidential Service Award, National Merit Semi-Finalist
Extracurricular Activities: DECA (3 years, Chapter President, Regional VP), History Club (2 years, Club Historic Officer), National Honor Society Tutoring (3 years), Private Calculus Tutor (2 years)
Volunteer Work: King Country Library System (research to improve bandwidth for Outreach service and handled purchases/invoices for all libraries)
Mountains to Sound Greenway (tree planting and wildlife restoration)
Eastside Baby Corner (packaging clothes for less fortunate families)
Work: Microsoft Intern (managing benefits for corporate partners, evaluating program benefits and researching new benefit areas for MSFT to invest in), Destiny Merchandising Intern (sales and marketing efforts)
Essays: Common App - 9/10. Chose the transition to adulthood. Very unique and powerful. I've spent 6 months on it and worked with a college reviewer who's a Yale alum who says it's the best college essay he's read in 10 years in this field.
"Why Penn" - 7/10. Talks about what I specifically want to do at Wharton and focuses on my passion for social responsibility. </p>
<p>Race: Indian
State: Washington
Income: ~100k
School: Small graduating class. School VERY rarely sends students to Ivy League.</p>
<p>Please chance me for the following! Thanks so much and I will happily chance you back!</p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton
UNC Chapel Hill
UW Seattle
UMinn - Twin Cities</p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton: reach(for everyone)
UChicago: reach
Harvard: reach
Dartmouth: low reach
Georgetown: match
Berkeley: high match
UCLA: match
UNC Chapel Hill: match
UW Seattle: safety
UMinn - Twin Cities: safety</p>
<p>please chance back!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1571620-will-i-get-into-any-these-transfer.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1571620-will-i-get-into-any-these-transfer.html</a></p>
<p>I don’t know much about any of the schools on that list other than Georgetown and Berkeley (at least not enough to safely say whether you’ll get in or not), but I can shed some light the two I do know about. I’d say you’ll get into both Georgetown and Berkeley fairly easily. I have friends at both schools and the one that got into Berkeley had similar SAT’s, but (in my opinion) not nearly as good of EC’s. The boy that I know that got into Georgetown and had a better SAT score and was some ridiculous debate whiz (won some national competition or something of the like at Harvard). The other person I know was a girl that had nowhere near as good of EC’s and near the same SAT scores and she got in too. But, let me say that all three of these people I know got rejected by all of the Ivy’s (even the debate kid that everyone at our school thought was CONVINCED would get in.)</p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton: Reach
UChicago: Reach
Harvard: Reach
Dartmouth: Low Reach
Georgetown: Reach
Berkeley: Match
UCLA: Match
UNC Chapel Hill: Match
UW Seattle: Match/Safety
UMinn - Twin Cities: Match/Safety</p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton - High Reach. I think your SAT 1 Scores a bit low, and your Math Score is a bit low for Wharton as well. Your ECs (especially internships) are quite impressive though, so that does compensate a lot if not completely.
UChicago - Reach
Harvard - Reach (for Everyone)
Dartmouth - Low reach
Georgetown - High Match/Low reach
Berkeley - Math
UCLA - Match
UNC Chapel Hill - Match
UW Seattle - Safey
UMinn - Twin Cities - Safety </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1572861-chance-me-i-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1572861-chance-me-i-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Yeah I retook the SAT after a first time just trying to get my CR score up, but I just kinda stunk at it! A 770 in SAT Math and 750 SAT II Math II is too low? Shoot… Oh well I’ve applied and now all I can do is hope they love my essays
<p>Thanks for the responses everyone! Any more feedback would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>Well Wharton highly recommends Math 2, and everyone that I know who got into Wharton had 800 Math 2. Just anecdotal evidence though.</p>
<p>I retook it along with taking Literature for the first time. I’m expecting the Math II score to go up. Here’s to hoping.</p>
<p>If it goes up then I think you’ll be extremely competitive. I’m sure you’ll do fine, and honestly there really isn’t anything any of us can do for ED anymore.</p>
<p>ED Wharton is a low reach to a reach. I think the Microsoft internship will be helpful. </p>
<p>Chance me back please? </p>
<p>Side note: considering you work at the Eastside baby corner, I think I live fairly close to you.</p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton: reach
UChicago: reach
Harvard: reach
Dartmouth: reach
Georgetown: reach
Berkeley: match
UCLA: match
UNC Chapel Hill: low match
UW Seattle: safety
UMinn - Twin Cities: safety
I definitely think that you will be accepted to at least one of the Ivies that you applied to, especially because of your high scores, microsoft internship, and course load.
Hope everything goes well and good luck!</p>
<p>Chance me back please?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1573263-chances-yale-brown.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1573263-chances-yale-brown.html</a></p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton - reach
UChicago - reach
Harvard- high reach
Dartmouth- reach
Georgetown- low reach
Berkeley- reach
UCLA- low reach
UNC Chapel Hill- high reach (barely accept out of state)
UW Seattle - match
UMinn - Twin Cities - match</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton: Mid reach(Math 2 score)
UChicago: Low Reach
Harvard: High Reach(for everyone)
Dartmouth: Low Reach
Georgetown: High Match
Berkeley: High Match
UCLA: Mid Match
UNC Chapel Hill: High Match
UW Seattle: Safety
UMinn - Twin Cities: Safety</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses everyone! Please keep em coming :)</p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton: Low Reach (They love ED)
UChicago: Reach
Harvard: High Reach
Dartmouth: Low Reach
Georgetown: High Match
Berkeley: High Match
UCLA: High Match
UNC Chapel Hill: Low Reach
UW Seattle: Match/Safety
UMinn - Twin Cities: Match/Safety</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1573272-chance-ivies.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1573272-chance-ivies.html</a></p>
<p>ED Penn - Wharton
UChicago reach
Harvard reach
Dartmouth low reach
Georgetown low reach
Berkeley match
UCLA match
UNC Chapel Hill low reach ( indeed they only take around 1000 kids out of state)
UW Seattle safety
UMinn - Twin Cities safety</p>
<p>thanks for chancing me! I think you have a great resume! take it easy man! you are definitely going to have a bright future!</p>
<p>Bumpppppp. Any more feedback would be greatly appreciated :)</p>
<p>UPenn Wharton – Med Reach (I’d say you have a relatively higher shot than most people do)
Harvard – High Reach
Georgetown – Med Reach
Dartmouth – Med Reach
UChicago – Reach
Berkeley – High match
UCLA – Match
UNC – match
UW Seattle – safety/match
UMinn - safety</p>
<p>I wish I could have gotten a Microsoft internship =. And by the way, your SAT1 scores are NOT low at all.</p>