<p>Caucasian male, junior at a rigorous public residential STEM high school in SC.
SAT: 2070 W: 710 10/12 on essay CR: 710 M: 660 (will probably improve greatly because I took it the first time without any prep)
taking AP Bio, APUSH, and AP Chem exams later this year
Community service hours: 83/yr
Weighted GPA: 4.91/5
Unweighted GPA: 3.97/4
school does not rank
Intended major: chemical engineering
Extracurriculars include: </p>
<p>Your GPA says that every class you took was either honors or AP?
Your ECs are not impressive.
Your GPA is good, and your SAT scores won’t break you if you improve slightly.</p>
<p>You’re an awesome candidate for Emory! i would say its a low reach based on your current SAT. But, if you apply ED then I think it becomes more of a match as it improves your chances!</p>