Chance me for Engineering 2024

Hi, I think I’m a long shot for acceptance but I just wanted to hear some feedback. I am trying to major in Civil Engineering. I’m out of state from an unranking school. I have a 100.5 weighted GPA with all honors and APs. I have taken all of the dual-enrollment college engineering classes my school offers. Also I am in AP BC Calc and AP Physics C this year, with all advanced math and science in previous years. I’m a member of NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, and National Language Honor society. Also I’m in two community service clubs and I’m an officer for one of them. My standardized test scores aren’t too good with a 28 on the ACT with a 30 on the math. I have had a few jobs also while in high school. Lastly I took part in multiple college summer programs, not at Virginia Tech though. Please let me know what you think my chances are as I applied early action. Thanks

I also heard that last year 8000/10000 got in that applied for general engineering.

I think your chances of getting in are pretty good, especially with your GPA and all the classes you have taken. Although your ACT scores are a bit low for engineering, you can make up for it by writing really good essays. Also, that acceptance rate may not be accurate and will DEFINITELY not be accurate for this year as VT will likely under-enroll this admissions cycle. I don’t believe the stats for last year have been posted just yet.

Any way to also try the SAT - sometimes people who struggle a bit on one do better on the other.

@cbl1 @ak2018 I took it but I only got a 1290 with 690 on the math, so not too good. I’m hoping my class rigor, extra curriculars, and my essays get me in. At admissions and at engineering they said that they would rather have someone have a an amazing gpa and mediocre test scores than really good test scores and a mediocre gpa. And lastly the 8000/10000 getting accepted is just what they told me at the engineering info session so I’m not sure but it’s just what I heard.

I do believe VT values GPA over SAT/ACT (as many colleges have gone toward). If they did accept 8000 of 10000 that applied (seems high) … it may be 6000 of 10000 this year.

HIstorically VT has been at about 70% acceptance - trending just below that I believe last few years. So on average that would be 7000 of 10000 accepted normally (if same % as college). I’m expecting we will see closer to 60% acceptance rate this year coming up.

@cbl1 why is the acceptance so high for engineering if it’s one of the top schools?

I don’t know the actual acceptance percentage. There is also a lot of self selection - where those not highly qualified don’t apply to engineering (especially now that Vt has it so no second major choice)

Ok so I looked up the real data. Last reported for 2018 engineering 10.333 applied 6,976 were offered and 1,189 accepted

Average sat 1362 and average GPA 4.18

Offer rate 67.5%

If they really did offer 8,000 last year the expectation would have been to add another 200 or so students and they accidentally added about 800 sounds like.

@cbl1 – thanks for pulling this data; it’s really helpful.

I’ve noticed a lot of top engineering schools (well, if you take out MIT and a few others at the very top) have pretty similar student profiles in terms of test scores and GPA. I think this aligns with the self selection aspect. Only strong students apply to these programs and therefore the acceptance % is higher than you might expect.

Especially at Virginia Tech - because you if you don’t get into engineering you don’t get into school at all. So only those that are qualified are going to apply. Those who think they are borderline or likely not to get accepted either apply as different major or don’t apply at all.