Chance me for Engineering School/2nd Choice Polytechnic Institute

Applying Early Action (Also Honors College cause why not)

4.1 W GPA (11 AP’s - 5’s on 6 of them so far: taking the remaining 5 this year),

1480 SS SAT (700 ERW, 780 Math). SAT 2: 710 Math 2 (yikes,) not sure if I should send, ec’s down below:

Extracurriculars: Editors Board for Model UN Club, Academic Team co president, Publicity chair for township education association, Jersey Boys State Delegate, BAE Systems summer intern, Treasurer for French Honor Society, FBLA, NHS member (along with other honor societies), Worked with a nonprofit fitness organization in my local town that also did work in nearby lower income cities, US Soccer Licensed Referee
Middle Class in NJ, single parent only working (worded weirdly: I have two parents but only one works, other is stay at home.)

Civil Engineering (Also second choicing the Polytechnic Institute)

Rec letters: AP World teacher = absolutely loved me, we had a great relationship in class to the point where he asked me if I wanted him to write my rec letter without me even posing the question
Physics Teacher = I participated readily and the teacher and I also got along really well.

For my Math 2 score, I have a 5 in Calc AB, as well taking AP Stat this year. Is my subject test score going to have a huge impact since I am in shape in almost every other way?

You should be good for Polytechnic. I can’t say that I’ve done enough research to be able to tell you on the Engineering chances, however.

Here is something to look at that I find useful, since Purdue admissions can vary so much based on school. Go to the Purdue Data Digest. You can pull up different graphs that can be manipulated to show the admissions history of whatever school you wish. You can separate by gender and residency status, as well. This will give you a more clear picture of where your stats stand compared to the student admitted in previous years.

Purdue doesn’t consider subject test scores. I wouldn’t bother sending it. I think it would dilute your 780 on the SAT and your AP score.

What’s your UW GPA? Its it’s 3.8+, I think you have a solid shot at engineering.

Note though that Purdue isn’t great with aid to OOS residents so don’t count on any merit money.

My school does not report unweighted GPA to colleges. However, Naviance has me on par with similarly accepted students, and there are some with even lower GPA and SAT Scores. I’m above average from my school for both of those categories in addition.

I will take a look at that, thank you!

Naviance isn’t great for schools like Purdue because it doesn’t parse out colleges. Engineering is much more competitive than some of the other colleges at Purdue so those lower scores you are seeing may not be for engineering.

You should be able to do the simple math to figure it out. There are so many different weighting schemes that just reporting weighting is rather useless. You can be sure they’ll do the math themselves.

If weighting is 1 for AP and .5 for honors, assuming 6-8 honors to go with 6 AP, that would mean UW of 3.7-3.75. If that’s accurate you should be in pretty good shape. 3.8 would solidify it.

No, reporting the Subject Test isn’t worth it. And I agree, Naviance without specific majors isn’t very helpful. Students may have been admitted into majors with lower stat cutoffs.

My son noticed on his application portal under scholarships that his GPA was recalculated to be unweighted and is also calculated differently than his school calculates unweighted GPA. At his HS an A and A- equals 4 and the way this was calculated an A = 4 and an A- = 3.7. He has quite a few A-'s so hopefully it doesn’t hurt his chances too much.

Just found out my UW GPA is a 3.71. Not great, but not entirely terrible. When I said I was higher on Naviance I probably should have nuanced the answer better, yes the cutoffs might not account for various majors, but there is a cluster of students who have same to higher stats as me that have been accepted, which I would assume to be the engineering program. There are more acceptances with lower stats from my hs, which might be those other programs that are less competitive