Chance me for Exeter

As for your chance, I really am in no position to voice an opinion, as I have not been successful so far myself.

However, if I were to advise you with my one-time experience with application process, it would be the following:

  1. Numbers are not as meaningful as colors. Numbers are generic. Colors sing far louder. Show your colors. Play to your Russian background - what colors you would bring and add to the community. (As you can see, I failed to gain a single admission with numbers. As long as you apply with the right emphasis, you will be far more successful than I, trust me.)

  2. Apply early. I applied in early December, and I did not have the chance to contact coaches and music teachers at all. If you apply early, it shows your enthusiasm for the school.

I really think you will bring something truly interesting to any schools you apply. Try to enjoy the process! I really did! One day I was most surprised to receive a letter from the interviewer of one school that put me on the waitlist, which happened to be the most moving letter I had ever received! Life really is a journey.