Chance me for Georgetown early action


  1. GPA- 3.76 W, 4.09 UW
  2. 7 APs, 4 honors classes, took the highest level course load possible
  3. 5 on AP Gov, 4 on APUSH
  4. TrendsMy grade in 9th grade Geometry was an A, in 10th grade Algebra II Honors (the class was fully remote) my grade was a B-; rest of the honors program my grades never recovered to above a B.Also my 9th grade french grade was an A+, 11th grade A, 12th grade it was a B.
  5. SAT- 1390*
  6. 710 Math
  7. 680 English
  8. Senior year schedule-
  9. Full-year: AP Calc BC, AP World, AP Econ, AP Lit, French IV
  10. Half year: Forensics, STEM Internship, Journalism, Neuroscience (½ year)
  11. I’m also a part of two special programs at school you need to apply to:
  12. STEM Academy- Science-themed program, wherein students take a minimum of 10 science/math credits, and attend science-themed workshops and lectures. They also complete a 40-hour STEM internship and do a science-related capstone project.
  13. Global Affairs Academy- Programed themed around foreign cultures and issues. Students need to take a minimum of 1.5 international affairs credits, and 3 language credits. Students also can help plan and attend lectures from those in related fields.


  1. Boy’s State (Summer 2022)- Simulation of both local and state politics. Served as town clerk and prepared an end of year report for a mock town, and elected Auditor of Accounts.
  2. Governor’s Institute on the Arts (Summer 2020, 2021, 2022)- Two week arts intensive. Took classes in writing, acting, and photography, as well as participating in art related workshops.
  3. Student Government (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade)- Helped plan school events and community service events, as well as dealing with school issues. Served as a committee chair 10th and 12th grade, as well as class whip 11th grade.
  4. Scholar’s Bowl (11th, 12th grade)- Competed in quiz bowl contests against other high schools. Ranked #1 junior in the state in 11th grade.
  5. Speech and Debate Team (9th, 10th grade)- Competed in several areas of public speaking, including extemporaneous, debate, and original oratory.
  6. National Honor Society (12th grade)
  7. French Honor Society (12th grade)
  8. Piano Study (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade)- Studied with private lessons for 11 years, accepted into National Guild 9 years in a row.
  9. Trumpet (9th, 10th, 11th grade)- Took private lessons and played in the school’s band, as well as in a local youth orchestra during 10th and 11th grade.


  1. My guidance counselor. She knows me a little but I’ll probably get one of those generic “hardworking student” ones
  2. My AP Gov teacher from last year. I did really well in his class, and he often remarked about my big knowledge of government and politics. Whenever he couldn’t think of a term/event, etc he would point to me.

You have a solid profile and good ECs, but Gtown is a definite reach.

Your GPA is relatively low, and SAT (which you must submit) below the 25%ile for class of 2026 admitted students. Georgetown Admits 12% of Regular Decision Applicants for Class of 2026

With that said, you certainly can apply EA, but you do give up the ability to apply ED1 to any school, and Gtown says there’s not much difference in admit rates between EA and RD. So, something to think about.

Is there a competitive advantage in applying to Georgetown under the Early Action program?

No. The acceptance rates at Early Action and Regular Decision will be roughly similar. Georgetown generally uses the overall acceptance rate from the year before as the acceptance rate at Early Action.

Make sure you have a balanced list of schools, with more target/matches than reaches. And be sure to have at least one affordable safety. Good luck.


Ok thanks for letting me know. Yeah Georgetown isn’t my top choice (American is) but my parents have put a lot of pressure on me to apply.
It’s nice to have some more reassurance that I can’t get in lol.

Sorry to hear about the parental pressure. You could show your parents the links I provided above.

If American is your top choice and it’s affordable per their net price calculator, consider applying ED there. There ED acceptance rate is much higher than the RD acceptance rate.

If you do go RD there, make sure to demonstrate interest. Do a virtual admissions session, visit in person if possible, open the emails they send you, engage with your AO.

Good luck.


Georgetown does not give an admissions boost to EA applicants. They actually use EA to take the kids they absolutely know they would accept even if the RD pool should end up being strong. This is not what people expect through an early action process, but that’s Georgetown.

As noted above, although Georgetown calls the process EA, it carries restrictions on where else and how else you might apply while your await your EA decision from them. Georgetown calls the program EA, but it acts like an REA program.

Also, Georgetown loves, loves, loves test scores, and you must submit everything. I think that’s going to be a headwind for you, to be frank.

If you don’t get an ED acceptance from a different school, go for it in the RD round, but manage your expectations.

Also, if you really like American, show them the love – they closely monitor for demonstrated interest. They suspect that they lose kids to Georgetown and GWU, and so they give a very strong advantage to ED applications.

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If your user name is your actual name, you might want to change it.

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Since Georgetown EA would preclude you from ED1 anywhere else, and Georgetown is absolutely focused on grades and scores above all else from what we heard and experienced ourselves, I would not pursue them. 3.76 UW and B- on the record would make it a heard reach on EA and a reach on RD. The ECs while great and a nice boost anywhere else are likely not a strong differentiator at Georgetown, especially the political ones as they get lots of Boys State and Model UN champions to apply given the strength and location of their government and SFS programs. Somewhere like Penn or Duke, which have ED, might be a better use of a restrictive ED1, among those in the same academic and social ballparks for your profile and interests.

An exception could be if your are exceptionally talented for music and are seeking admission into Goergetown’s performing arts program through audition etc. or if you are first-gen or URM.

But why, when OP’s top choice is American which is in DC, and they can achieve their goals from American?


Your scores are a little on the low side. Your chances would be boosted if you have a hook: recruited athlete, under represented minority, legacy. Do any of these apply to you?

If not then I agree with the others above. I would consider applying ED elsewhere.


Sorry, missed that. American is very liberal/activist on the political side though and it’s unclear applicant wants or has considered that. If that is an issue, GW might be a nice alternative. If not an issue, agree re American.

While this may be true when specifically comparing admission rates for EA to RD. When you look at it from an overall admission rate there is a EA bump. Applicants that are not admitted through EA are not rejected, they are deferred to the RD round and last year (~15% of those who were deferred were later accepted in the spring review).

So as whole students almost 20% of students who apply through REA ended up accepted vs 10% of those who just applied through RD.


Yes, they skim the strongest candidates from the EA round, and defer all others to see how the rest of the applicant pool shapes up. The annual EA acceptance rates at Georgetown are lower than the RD rates, with rare exceptions.

So what does the OP do with this? Understand he is likely to be deferred in RD and hope to receive some bump for his EA interest in the RD round?

I replicated the math you used, and assuming 15% of deferred EA applicants do get in RD, I see your point on the aggregate result. But we don’t know the quality of the deferred EA pool relative to the RD pool, so I worry about drawing broad conclusions.

If we are going to speak statistically, however, let’s focus in the OP. Does he have the profile that gives him an average likelihood of admission to Georgetown, EA or RD? I think that’s questionable, and applying EA to Georgetown takes a lot of other early app options off the table, options that include his preferred school (which offers a truly impressive ED bump).

That’s a real opportunity cost right there for someone who would only be applying to Georgetown to appease his parents.

Is this correct? Lower weighted GPA than unweighted? That would indicate you took a less than challenging courseload. Is this perhaps backwards?

“ 1. GPA- 3.76 W, 4.09 UW”

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Statistically, there is little benefit applying EA to Georgetown. You could satisfy your parents and have equal success in the RD round which will open up your EA/ED choices. Just as a side note Georgetown is oversubscribed by female applicants so admission chances are better for males

For Georgetown, the data shows only a 2% admission advantage for men. The source I’m linking to relies on IPEDS. The blogger is the head of admissions at Oregon State University.

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I don’t see you being accepted EA - but the good news is you won’t be rejected…you’ll be deferred. While I think even in RD Gtown is unlikely, AU is no picnic - make sure you show a lot of interest. A lot of interest!!

Go visit both (with your folks) - they are different. If you love AU - much more suburban, then that’s where you should be.

Good luck to you.

@John_Austin if this is your real name, you might want to change it. I think you will need to message @CC_Sorin or @CC_Jon to get this done.

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Agree with @tsbna44 . And nothing says demonstrated interest as ED1 or ED2.

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Do you have any hooks? Underrepresented minority (black/hispanic), first generation (parents didn’t graduate from college)? If not, super high reach. Be sure you have on your list some schools you are excited to go to where you are above the 75th percentile in test scores and GPA. You are below the 25th percentile in both for Georgetown so highly unlikely. Get a good list together!!!

Did you end up applying to Georgetown, My son(Junior in HS) has somewhat similar GPA, SAT is 1530. He is really interested in Georgetown. Not much EC’s, He is working towards Eagle scout and was hoping this will give him a boost, He is Senior patrol leader in his troop. Somewhere I read Eagle scout is looked favorably in GT. Thanks