Im pretty sure my stats are trash but:
In state applicant
Black female
SAT: 1370
GPA: 4.1W 3.85UW
Major: physics pre med
-Work (paid)
-president of one club
-officer of another club
-Math and physics tutor
-Track and Field
-Yearbook editor
-Co leader of paint squad
-3 other clubs
-lots of volunteer hours
I think i hit on everything
Also if you have tips on applying to Georgia Tech, they are much appreciated
@julibobuli I never chance students (we don’t truly know what schools are going to do). You are amazing student with one of the biggest advantages (being an in-state student) which are accepted at double the rate of out-state students applying to GT. I have seen URM with similar stats get in the last 3 years from my kids high school. My daughter’s essay last year about her 1st time visiting GT’s campus (she did a community service activity on campus in middle school) was probably one her best and she was accepted in EA. Write a genuine essay and show/own what makes you unique is my advice. Good Luck.
Thank you so much! I will definitely take your advice about the essay! 
If you had some sort of research experience, I think it would have significantly boosted your application. However, given your stats and ecs, I think you will get in no problem. Just note that premed is always hard for any college. Please have some other colleges in mind!
@GoBears2023 yeah I totally agree about the research, hindsight is always 20/20. But I do also have UGA and Spelman in mind if gtech turns out to be a bust
@julibobuli I can give you a little data from GT Common Data Set from 2017-2018 that most perspective students do not realize. Young women are accepted at a much higher percentage than young men. 4270 out of 21869 young men were accepted (19.5%) but 3099 out of 9628 young women were accepted (32.2%). Along with you being an in-state student (37% acceptance rate in-state vs 19% for OOS students) and being an URM, you have a lot of things going for you. Also, at least 60% of all accepted students have always been Georgia residents since GT is a state taxpayer supported public institution.
You’re borderline…it doesn’t mean you’re not a great candidate…its just insanely hard to get into Tech.
Your academics will not prevent you from getting in. During the admissions livestream last week (which can be found on facebook), Rick Clark clearly stated that applicants cannot imagine how little test scores and GPA contribute to your overall decision. They do seem to care about the courses that you took and their rigor, which you did not tell us. Also, being black, female, and in-state are 3 given advantages.
Apparently agreeing to attend summer school before freshman year, is a boost for admissions for Georgia applicants and maybe out of state as well. GaTech wants to fill up the summer school, so if you can start early, try to do that, and tell them you will do that, and maybe that will help you get in. I think majoring in physics and being premedical may help some, as well. Be sure to contact them and tell them you want to start in the summer, if you can do that. It will cost extra, maybe, but you can get some classes out of the way, English 1 and 2 are required for all GaTech bachelors degrees, but see if you will get any AP credit for English, but if you believe you will not, maybe take English. Same on calculus, you can take that too, over the summer. What four math classes did you take? If you got into GaTech for math as a high school student, thats also a boost to your application.
@pleaseacceptmeGT that is reassuring. but I took 5 APs, the rest of my core classes prior to my senior year were honors and now I am taking Dual Enrollment classes
Thank you so much for that tip! it is on the common app (whether or not i want to do summer school) and I originally said no, I will go change it. As for my math I was on the advanced math course so I’ve taken all the maths my school offers (up to ap stat and ap calc) @Coloradomama