Chance me for GW?

My GPA is quite low, 3.55 UW and 3.8 Weighted.
Ive taken 4 APs so far, and will take 2 more my senior year. I do very well in all of them 5s on the tests and As on the class.
31 on my first ACT, i may retake in September.
Ive done 2 sports for 4 years and a, team captain on one of them.
Im a founding member of a political discussion club, and am captain of the debate team. I placed second in regional and qualified for state since freshman year. I was nominated for Boys State too.
My recommendation should be very good but not phenomenal, and my essays should be of similiar quality, i got 12 on my ACT writing (just as reference for quakity of writing. They will be average essays in the sense that im not writing about a profound struggle).

Bad news is thatI will be applying to the Political Communication major in the SMPA, but i will do so through ED 1.

I feel as though the big struggle for my app will be being seen as lazy, not stupid. How could i combat that?

Thanks for chancing me, i appreciate it.

Go for it! I know many students with lower qualifications that are there now…

Thanks for the optimism, Definitely will apply!