<p>Name: blah
Age: 17
State: GA
Race: African American (black)
Income: approx. $30,000/year</p>
<p>GPA: 3.9/4.0</p>
<p>Standardized Test Scores: 28 (ACT) retaking in February 2012 since it s the very last test date they will accept and I need a sufficiient amount of time to study, hoping for a 31/32 +; 5 (AP US History), 4 (AP Language), 3 (AP Government), 710 (SAT 2 US History) I am in 4 AP's this year, they have weird requirements at my school</p>
<p>Currently taking: AP Lit, Comparative Religions, JROTC, AP Psychology, AP Calculus AB, AP Chemistry</p>
American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary Award
Georgia Certificate of Merit
Military Order Of the World Wars finalist
Superior Cadet Award (x2)
Academic Excellence (x2)
AP Scholar
Distinguished Cadet for Scholastic Excellence (x3)
Academic Achievement Ribbon
2nd Place in State Drill Competition
Governors Honors Program participant
National Honor Society = Vice-President (10th), Secretary (11th)
National Beta Club = Asst. Secretary (10th), Secretary (11th)
National Spanish Honor Society
Watson Brown Junior Board
Columbia County Youth Leadership Group
Student Council = President (10th and 11th)
Grovetown High School JROTC = S-1 Adjutant (10th), Company Commander (11th), Battalion Executive Officer (12th)
Grovetown High School Model United Nations Team
Intern for U.S. Congressman Paul Broun</p>
<p>Strengths/Weaknesses: extraurriculars and community involvewment (approx 200 hours of volunteering)/standardized test scores suck and I need to take one more SAT 2 (preferably math)</p>
<p>College list:
GA Tech
UGA </p>
<p>what do you think? I have more stuff but I don'tfeel like postin it all.... too much work</p>
<p>I’d recommend you take the SATs as well, because Ivy leagues really look at that alot. Your grades are excellent, and the fact that you’re a minority is a big help as well! What state are you from- sometimes that really matters. Ivy league schools like to have every state represented and if you’re from somewhere with out a lot of Ivy applicants, it could be a huge help!</p>
<p>chance me back? i dont know how to post the link- but its under my user name
good luck!</p>
<p>just saw that you’re from GA…oops! not sure about harvard’s statistics from that school. at least you’re not from ny or ma. they get overloaded from the northeast, so i’ve heard.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t say getting in is impossible for you. I would recommend taking the SAT as well because currently your ACT is to low to even be considered for the Ivy Leagues. (They want at least a 31-32) Even though you are retaking the ACT, take the SAT just to be on the safe side. Also, take one or two more subject tests. I’m not sure, but doesn’t Harvard require at least 2-3 Subject Tests? Your EC’s are good, not great, but good. Colleges don’t care as much about the awards as the actual EC’s. However, your internship is pretty impressive. </p>
<p>Your race and your income level will actually be a bit of help to you. (Especially for financial aid)</p>
<p>Is your GPA weighted on unweighted? If it is weighted (with AP credits added) then that is not a high GPA. If it is an unweighted 4.0, then congratulations. That just increased your chances. </p>
<p>When it comes to Harvard and other Ivy Leagues, you can never be certain. A friend of mine had an extremely high GPA and pretty solid SAT score, however, he wasn’t accepted to Harvard but was accepted to Yale. Guess it really depends on how well you write your essays, your interview, and what the school believes you have to offer. Oh and if you get over a 2260-2300 on the SAT, your chances of getting in dramatically increase. </p>
<p>Really, you can never be a hundred percent sure. There is a huge amount of luck involved considering there are over 10,000 students (domestic and international) applying who are just as good as you or even better. And sometimes not even the best get accepted. </p>
<p>So, make sure you do have a couple non-ivy league backup schools. </p>
<p>Keep getting good grades because so far you are on the right path.</p>
<p>You’re not going to get into harvard with a 28 on the ACT, even if you are black.</p>