<p>I'm planning on applying to HKU next year for their Journalism program... Can you chance me pleeeease?</p>
<p>Grades/ Academics
- Canadian Curriculum
- Currently receiving a 89% average... Last year's average was approx. 85%
- My English score is top 5 in the Grade
- Subjects I'm taking: Social Studies, Language Arts, Biology, Math, Computers, Art, Chinese</p>
<p>Extra Stuff
- Selected for Global Issues Network conference (over 50 schools attended)
- Selected for a local conference leadership team (organized entire conference)
- Owns personal blog
- Publish work on Teen Literature Online Magazines
- Chosen work to be published on an international Hong Kong Entertainment news website
- On the Varsity Team
- Student council selected representative
- MC and organized school's Talent Show and raised enough money to build a school in a China village</p>
<p>International Volunteer Work
- Thailand children's village
- Malaysia local camp</p>