<p>Hi all,
I recently applied to UMASS and I was wondering what my chances were at getting into the honors college specifically?</p>
1.) SATS: Just got my scores back, 2160 with a 1410/1600
2.) GPA Unweighted: 3.84, Weighted: 4.60
3.) Rank: unfortunately, my school does not rank.</p>
Editor in Chief of my HS newspaper. We won a pacemaker which was awesome. we have a list of other awards as well but for the sake of time, I'll just bunch them all together as other awards :)
Mock Trial Captain: perfect score for witness role and nominated for a best attorney award
Volunteer at local hospital: 100 hour pin
Peer Leader: very select few chosen (I believe it was 40 out of the whole school. I go to a 2000 kid school so pretty big deal)
Worked at a local pre school and created an original lesson plan.</p>
<p>Recs: I'm not allowed to read them so I can't be sure but I think they both should be very positive if not glowing
Essay: Again, this is so subjective so I'm not sure but I worked very hard on my essay and I really liked how it turned out:). </p>
<p>Thanks for all your help! </p>