Chance me for honors college?

<p>OOS applicant
very good personal statement, pretty good quote essay
25/404 rank
3.68 GPA UW
31 ACT</p>

<p>Freshman Year- MST advanced math/science/technology program (I’ve been accepted all 4yrs)
Sophomore Year- AP Bio (4)
Junior Year- Honors Precalc, AP World(3), AP Lang/Comp(4), AP Physics B(3), Anatomy&Physiology
Senior Year- AP Chem, AP Calc AB/BC, AP Stat, AP Lit, AP Pysch
5 years of Spanish</p>

<p>~ 12 AP/Honors</p>

<p>Early admit to local community college, 11 credits</p>

<p>probable but you’re GPA is on the low side, ensure your essay is very good</p>

<p>Your stats (other than GPA) are on the high side of their averages, and you took an AP heavy schedule, so my guess is that you will get in. However, I don’t know if it is harder for you because you are OOS in comparison to in state students with similar stats. Would you like me to review your quotes essay?</p>

<p>@LovelyLashes, thanks! I will PM both my quote essay and my personal statement, although I am not entirely sure if this essay has any effect on my decision. Additionally, I received a “Wildcat Promise” confirmation call. Does this offer any hint of acceptance to the Honors College? One more thing… Does anyone know if we will find out our honors status online, or must we wait until the letter arrives to get this information?</p>

<p>I have applied to the university of arizona for fall 2015 admission. I have applied early. However, when i applied i did not click on the interest in honors college. Can i apply for honors college now? </p>