hey guys! just submitted my app for cornell last night. i applied to HumEc.
GPA: 4.40 W/3.81 UW
-I will have taken 17 AP’s by end of HS.
-Current courses: AP Physics C E/M, AP Macro, AP Comp Sci, AP Stats; all As first quarter, currently have a B+ in Physics but will hopefully bring it up for mid-year report.
ACT: 35 (36E, 33M, 36R, 33S, 34W)
SAT: 1560 (770R/W, 790M)
SAT II: Math II 770, Chem 720
APs: 5s on Calc AB, Calc BC, Psych, Lang; 4s on Chem, Bio, USH, World; 3 on Phys 2
National Merit SF
National AP Scholar
Decent - internship, 12 yr vocal musician, lots of volunteering, taught kids language, and more (don’t want to give away too much)
In my essay, I discussed my love for the medical field and how volunteering fostered this. I also talked about the summer internship I did where I researched a cancer receptor, which influenced me wanting to become an oncologist. I tied into HumEc by talking about how I’m interested in bioethics and how I would like to learn about cancer from a perspective of diet environmental factors, etc, not just a biological perspective.
I’m a female from CA, and I applied to HBHS.
@wormholes 17 APs? Seriously? Most schools don’t even offer that many. Do you ever not have homework?
Anyway, have you reviewed the ED results thread? It will give you a good benchmark for the kinds of stats accepted (and rejected) applicants have. I can save you the time though. You are solidly in contention. You already know this, but your ACT and SAT or off the charts and your GPA is good. With 17 APs (really?) it is hard to have a perfect 4.0 UW. I know. Your research during your internship is a good hook. It’s not unique - a lot of kids have that - but still demonstrates that you have experience in a field you want to study. That’s good and might show you are a good fit.
Why didn’t you apply ED? With stats like that you would have probably been accepted. You still have a good chance but now you’re competing with 40,000 other applicants. Good luck.
@cotopaxi haha this is a SUPER late response…but thanks! i didn’t apply ED mainly for financial reasons…i live in CA and though i would love to get into cornell, i would probably rather go to a good UC school to save money and such.
also, i unfortunately will be getting a B for my mid-year report. my school has a weird quarter/semester system so we’ve technically received two semesters’ worth of grades at this point. first semester/quarter i got As in ap government, ap physics c, ap comp sci, and ap statistics, coming out to a 5.0 W and 4.0 UW. this second semester/quarter, i got As in ap economics, apcs, and ap stats, but unfortunately got a B in ap physics, which gives me a 4.75 W and 3.75 UW. will this significantly impact my chances negatively? will they just look at my mid-year report and be like oh…she slacked off 
@wormholes AP Physics is hard. Everyone knows that. I got a B in it as well and I still got in. They aren’t looking for perfect, they are looking good fit and desire to be there. Your grades and scores are good enough. Sounds like you plan staying in Cali and just want to see if you got in. Good luck.
@cotopaxi ok, thanks! yeah, i would seriously consider cornell if i got in but i would have to look at it financially as well. thanks!