chance me for jhu and i'll chance you back

<p>4.21 gpa (3.9 unweighted)
2100 sat (620CR, 740M, 740W (11 essay score))
630-world history 650-math II (planning to retake math II and another subject test)
nasa internship
red cross
five honor societies (one leadership position)
hospital volunteer program
public tutoring program
asian m.
planning to major in economics</p>

<p>Your GPA is strong enough for hopkins, but considering that you’re an Asian male, the SAT is kind of, well, disappointing. Also, your EC’s don’t really help you stand out, and the lack of leadership is going to do more to harm than good.</p>

<p>Can we get some more info on you in general? AP classes? Relationships with teachers?</p>

<p>To be completely honest, at this point, and with the info you have provided us with, your chances aren’t looking all that great.</p>