Chance me for Loyola Chicago

For anyone who knows about admissions, I would love to share my stats. I am currently a high school Junior. Unfortunately, my GPA is quite low because I struggled very much Freshman year.

GPA (weighted): 3.628 (out of 5)
(Unweighted is somewhere around 3.15)
PSAT scores: 1130, 570 RW, 560 Math

Desired major: Global Studies and International Business

Location: Massachusetts


Orchestra: I am in the honors orchestra at my school, and I have been a part of it since 5th grade.

Tri-M (Music National Honor Society): Started this year, provides numerous volunteer opportunities.

Model United Nations: (Vice President)- I have increased the club’s enrollment by 200% and have been in charge of registering the team for conferences.

Golf Team: I have been on the team every year so far and will continue to be on the team