Chance me for NYC schools + andover (repost - added information)

Hmm, okay, I’ll message you.

I’m interested in why you’re not applying to Dalton- from all I’ve heard they have a very strong CS & robotics facility and math program.

It’s like an hour away from where I live, hence why I’m not applying there

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Hi, In one of your comments, you mentioned you did not ask for your references yet. So, I recommend that you send out those reference requests ASAP, if you haven’t already. Teacher’s get busy especially this time of year, they go away, get COVID, their kid’s get sick, it’s going to be holiday break any minute. We experienced some down-to-the-wire reference scenarios that added unnecessary stress. So don’t leave it until the last minute because you have no control over this part. Also, please remember to write your teachers a Thank-you note, or at the very least a Thank-you email when they have completed your reference for you. And Good Luck!


Yep, I actually just asked my English teacher today