Chance me for NYU and UChicago

<p>My HS education has been a bit weird, but good, so bear with me please. I am technically homeschooled, but I take all of my classes at local universities and online systems. So this means that I don't have a GPA that makes sense the same way, and my extracurriculars are a little thin. My classes are very strong, though.</p>

Very strong, both from uni professors</p>

<p>SAT (superscore): 2260
ACT: 32
SAT IIs: haven't taken them yet, will likely take Math I and Physics and get mid 700s.</p>

*2-300 hours of mathematical research with a paper authored by me submitted to the Journal of College Mathematics, and has been presented at the Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
*150 hours of Internship over the summer of '11 with a small investment firm
*5 hours a week of options trading and research
*Administrative and creative work for a local farm as a part time job, about 10 hrs. per week
*Eagle Scout
*4 years of track, 3 years of cross country
*I play piano
*~50 hours of helping at a soup kitchen
*Wrote several smaller mathematics papers over the years</p>

<p>GPA: It's about 3.83 UW altogether, but for comparison, it's 3.88 at the University of Massachusetts where I took Multivariate calculus and Linear algebra, so it's stronger than a straight 3.83. It's also about 3.88 at another local University.</p>

<p>9th grade classes:
Biology A
English A-
Social Studies A-
Spanish A
Algebra II B</p>

<p>Summer of 2009: Chem 1 and 2 and Precalculus, with As, at community colleges</p>

<p>10th grade (fall) classes:
Calculus 1 A (at a university)
Spanish 2 A- (at a university)
American History 1 A
Readings in science fiction A
Calculus 2 A (at a university)
Arabic 1 A (at a university)
American history 2 A
Readings in mystery A</p>

<p>Summer of 2010: Physics 1 and 2 at community colleges with As</p>

<p>11th grade fall:
Multivariate calculus A (at a university)
Mathematical statistics A (at a university) (a 300 level class)
AP English Literature and Composition I A
Arabic II A (at a university)
Accounting I A (at a university)</p>

<p>11th grade spring:
Linear Algebra A- (at a university)
Macroeconomics A (at a university)
Arabic 3 A- (at a university)
AP English Literature and Composition II A
Accounting II A- (at a university)</p>

<p>12th grade fall: grades given are expected grades
Arabic IV A- (at a university)
Mechanics ? (at a university) (400 level class) (will likely get a C or B in this class, it is too hard)
AP English Literature and Language A
AP European History A
Securities Analysis A (at a university) (300 level class)</p>

<p>12th grade spring plan:
Arabic V (at a university)
Modern Physics (200 level) (at a university)
Money and Banking (at a university)
AP English Literature and Language
AP European History</p>

<p>That's it!</p>

<p>Bump! I’ll chance back for any replies!</p>