GPA: 3.5UW // 4.15W
SAT: 680CR, 770M, 690W
Rank : Unavailable
Demographics : Asian, Male, Income 250k+
APs (also submitted):
- AP World History (5)
- AP Environmental Science (4)
- AP Physics B (5)
- AP Calculus BC (5)
- AP US History (4)
- AP Macroeconomics (5)
- AP Microeconomics (4)
- AP Seminar (3)
- AP Statistics (5)
- AP Physics C Mechanics (4)
- AP Physics C (E&M) (2)
Also took 1 IB and several other high rigor courses (PLTW and Multivariable Calculus)
Senior Schedule
AP Government, IB Business and management, AP Capstone Research, IB Psychology, IB Film, Independent Study, Finite Math (college level)
Volunteer Hours: 300
- Member of FIRST robotics team (2 years)
- Member of school newspaper web staff (1 year, won two national level awards)
- DECA (3rd at internationals)
- SIFMA Stock Market Game (top 10 out of 15,000 participants)
- Managed in school cafe and spirit store generating $10,000 in monthly revenue.
As an Asian Male, it isn’t looking good. So many Asian males apply to Stern with close to 4.0s and 2200+ SATs. Your ECs really aren’t that great either. You certainly have a chance, but Stern is definitely a reach.
Like I said in the other thread, I had the same exact GPA when I applied to Stern ED coupled along with a 2300 SAT. I’m an asian male as well and I was rejected. Hopefully, your case is different. Gl!
Can I get a chance for CAS?
You have a much better chance at CAS. GPA will be slightly lower but not as low as for Stern. Hopefully, you will get in!
Hopefully. I need a win after everything that’s been going on in my life.
@dehca2016 , and hopefully you will! You seem like a smart young man.
Lol, thank you. I appreciate that.
From my own experience of seeing tons of threads about it here, I know that your GPA especially, and SAT - might not be very competitive for Stern. Your SAT is OK, but GPA is a little below their average.
If you did not apply for FA, they might like it. Your APs are soo good I think… I do not know if your ECs are impressing. Ok, so I would say that you have 35-55% chances of being admitted. Good luck!
How are my SAT and GPA for CAS?
i think that this is the most stupid decision ever to choose economics in cas only because you cannot get into finances in stern. (I was about to do the same but this is really stupid). for cas, your stats are ok. however, as we have said, there are many Asian people who proudly have at least 3.8. I think that you do not have an impressing ECs and this might be a thing that they will take a look on, because many people in NYU are capable of having awesome stats, but now, NYU looks for people who are indifferent and unique. You have a chance, your stats are ok, but do not be disappointed if it will not work out. I applied to NYU with way lower gpa than yours, but I have great ECs. Honestly, I do not know how does it work. They will look at your essays, because in your case, they might be helpful. They will take a look on what did you write in WHY NYU essay, i think.
Actually applying to CAS Econ if you don’t think you are too competitive for Stern is a smarter choice than you think because Stern prefers internal transfers over external transfers. So it is easier to transfer in to Stern from CAS Econ that from outside the school.
That doesn’t even matter. I like econ better than finance anyways.