Chance me for Premed @ Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Rice, BSMDs [TX resident, 4.0/1570, Rank 12/600, <$50k]


US citizen
Texas resident
Large public school
Male, South Asian
No special factors

Intended Major(s):

BSMD or Premed track (Biology)


Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0
Weighted HS GPA: 5.4/6.0
Class Rank: 12/600
ACT/SAT Scores: 1570 SAT


AP Human Geography (5)
Medical Terminology
AP Biology (5)
AP Seminar
AP World History (5)
AP Calc AB (4)
AP US History (5)
AP Environmental
AP Research
AP Lang (5)
AP Physics 1 (4)
AP Computer Science Principles (3)
Anatomy and Physiology
Health Science
AP Chem (Ongoing)
AP Calc BC (Ongoing)
AP Stats (Ongoing)
AP Lit (Ongoing)
AP Macro (Ongoing)
AP Gov (Ongoing)
Medical Microbiology Lab


Eagle Scout Award
AP Scholar w/ distinction
National 3rd place for a medicine-related competition exam


Eagle Scout Project

Research at local DO school

President of Friends of Doctors without Borders at school; donated 200+ thank-you cards for medical professionals

Volunteer at clinic in underserved area in India (50hrs)

Shadowing/volunteering at 2 local clinics (80hrs)

NASA High School Aerospace Scholar Program

Work as youth soccer coach

Khan Academy Schoolhouse tutor for international students


Essays- Fairly strong, PS is focused on asking questions and leaving comfort zone

LOR- Teacher recs are average as I’ve only had them for 1 year, but research and Boy Scout LORs are strong

Cost Constraints / Budget:
Any reasonable price, would appreciate some aid, but it’s not the biggest concern, fortunately.



UT Dallas
UT (Autoadmit)


UT (biology major)




Case Western
Penn State
Missouri Kansas City
Virginia Commonwealth

it’s Johns Hopkins…

Do you qualify for need based aid? Have you checked?

What is your family’s budget?

I’m sure you’ll get lots of feedback, and you sound like a great student - congratulations!

Just a couple notes:

  • Non-teacher recs are going to be school-specific (i.e. many schools won’t accept them at all, or might accept just one). Just know that going into the process so you won’t be surprised.
  • Rice is a reach for anyone, even a successful in-state student with excellent statistics.
  • Given that you have a couple others in the Northeast, Maybe add University of Rochester to your list of BSMD programs? (You could also consider Temple?)

So are BS/MD programs which have lower acceptance rates than most elite colleges.


Sorry, typo

We havn’t done any detailed calculations for FAFSA yet, but anything <50k per year is ok.

Thanks for the tips! Many of the schools I am applying to do have a section for additional letters of rec.

Checking your EFC should be your first step. Because if you don’t qualify for any need based aid and your budget is under $50k, you’ll need to remove JHU, NU, CWRU, Rice, etc from your list.


Use the net price calculator on the web site of each school to see what the likely price will be if you are admitted.

Also remember that medical school is very expensive, particularly if you attend one that is not an in-state Texas public medical school.

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If you wont qualify for fin aid but want budget 50k max, go to texas flagship, also texas in state med school. This is your best, cheapest path to MD. You dont need a pricey bsmd program, since you are in the best state for cheapest public md.

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