Chance me for PSU Engineering (Main Campus)


  • US domestic (US citizen or permanent resident) or international student: US Domestic
  • State/Location of residency: (state is important if you apply to any state universities) : FL(Out of state for PSU)
  • Type of high school (current college for transfers): Private
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): Male/White
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): First generation

Intended Major(s)

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores:

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.35
  • College GPA (for transfers): N/A
  • Class Rank: 2/20
  • ACT/SAT Scores: SAT: 1300 (720 Math, 580 Reading) I retook this, waiting for scores but I am hoping for a 1350+(Probably even about 1400)

(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores for high school; also include level of math and foreign language reached and any unusual academic electives; for transfers, describe your college courses and preparation for your intended major(s))
4 Ap’s, 1 Junior, 3 Senior (Small school, only offers 3 but I self studied one):
APUSH, Ap Computer Science A, AP Calc AB, AP Physics 1
Dual Enrollment:
EC1101, EC1141(Only dual-enrollment available)
Every other course was honors, as those were the hardest available
Mechanical Engineering

Principals List 3 years in a row

Varsity Swim(Captain), Varsity Track, Spotlight director for the plays “Snow White” and “Peter Pan”, Leadership program (My school’s version of a JROTC, I have made it to the highest rank possible and have around 150 service hours from this). Certified Trainer at Chick-Fil-A(I have been working there for about a year and a half). I also lead a bible study for middle schoolers. I have gone on 2 mission trips, one to South Dakota and one to Panama

JREX(Junior Research Exhibition):
A junior research project where you spend the first 9 weeks of school researching a controversial topic and interviewing experts on this topic. The second 9 weeks you spend drafting a 15 page essay on your findings. For the third 9 weeks, you then present your findings in a 15-20 minute speech accomonpanied by a power point presentation, and you must present in front an front of an auditorium filled audience, as well as expert panelists who will then asks you questions on your topic.

I have very good LORs, since it is a very small school, I know my teachers very well.

Thank you! please tell me my chances.

I think you’ll get in - but you might contact admissions to find out or see if you can get admission stats for engineering students. Yes, your reading is low but you can go TO if it’s a problem which is why I’d see if you can find out admission stats specific to engineering.

What is it about Penn State that you love coming from Florida?

Other schools that I think have similarities - not easier to get into - but as you build your list: Va Tech and Clemson.

Iowa State and Iowa would be a safeties. Mississippi State would be another - smaller scale than PSU - but out on its own. Ole Miss too and MIzzou as well.

I think you get in as I said - but you need back ups too - and these are all large schools with big sports that sort of stand out in their area.

Can’t have everything in one basket!!

Good luck.

thanks for the response! I’m just waiting for my sat scores to come back which I took in June, that felt way better to me so hopefully I can use that score!

Either way - TO or test I think you get in. But unless it’s an auto admit school always have others.

Why PSU from Florida? What attracts you about it vs others?

Is cost an issue because you’ll likely be full pay. Obviously you have great low cost options at home.

I was introduced to it when my sister applied there (she got in but didn’t go) and I talked to my dad about it, and he is a recruiter and said that Penn State has an amazing alumni network. However, that is not the only reason. I also want to move up north, as well as attend a good engineering school. Also, one of the things I have been wanting to do was work in the theme park industry, yk with like rides and stuff, and that college I see has a cool club for people who want to do the exact thing, plus it is really close to places I can hopefully get some experience at. I also toured their campus last summer and that was when i decided that they were my top pick. I’m aware there are way better schools, but I just loved the atmosphere there and have been set on going there ever since. Cost is not a huge issue for me, so yeah.

Penn State is a great school. But the theme park theme would concern me as a parent. It seems such a niche area. Is there even a job market here? I don’t know. Just asking. How many people are hired in this business designing theme parks on an annual basis? How many people graduate with degrees in this area?

I completely understand your concern but this is a field ive been researching for years! What i want to do specifially is become an engineer for these companies that make them, I’ve already researched the degrees needed(either mechanical, electircal or civil engineering) and the experience required, while no school specifically is designed for this, penn state at least has a club designed for this area of work. Im aware this will take a lot of time and im aware of the risks, but ive been wanting to do this forever and my parents are on board with it, and this is just something i am really wanting to do!

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Anecdote: A friend/fellow student in our MechE program had a similar desire. She just wanted to design amusement park rides. She heard all of the same - very limited number of companies, no one recruiting on campus, etc., etc.,

She researched the companies (not so easy pre-internet), repeatedly and persistently reached out to them, and focused on her goal. And after graduation, she started her job designing amusement park rides.

Understand the challenges, have other options, but pursue what you want. You never know what a bit of determination might accomplish.


PSU is a gorgeous campus and I get wanting to go there.

I always worry when people “rely” on the alumni network though. Every school touts it and yes, PSU is known for it. Yet I know a kid who graduated in cyber security (CS school) and can’t get a sniff even though it’s higher rated. One kid doesn’t make a theme but it’s anecdotal. So many people talk about their school’s alumni network. That alone wouldn’t be a reason I’d choose a school.

Companies like Disney, Six Flags hire from so many schools. If PSU is for you, great - but again, you can get these jobs from many schools.

Go to your top choice school - but if and only if it’s affordable to you.

Good luck.

Since there is a new thread with updates, and since this platform does not effectively allow merging threads, I am closing this and asking further comments go on the new thread: