Chance me for Purdue [TX resident, 3.63 GPA, 1410 SAT)

State/Location of residency: Texas
Highschool: IB level offers many APs and very competitive (5.6 for top 10%)
Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): South Asian

**Intended Major(s):CS, CE

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.63/4
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.78/5
  • Class Rank: School doesnt rank
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1410(highest score) 690(highest esrb score) 740(highest Math Score) super score 1430

French 1
Debate 1
Eng 1
French 2
Piano 1
AP W Hist
Adv Chem
Adv Eng 2
Adv French 3
Piano 2
AP Phys 1
Dig Elec
Eng 3
Piano 3
Adv Pre Calc
CS 3

Senior Year:
AP Phy C
AP Calc BC
AP Stats
AP Macro
Piano 4
Robotics 2
English 4

Excellence Award: 10,11
AP scholar awards, with honor and distinction
French honor society

Robotics FTC team captain 12th grade
robotics club website committee 11th grade
game development club president and founder
AI Project video
planning on hosting district wide hackathon later this year
ai club member
created a beta robot which can go and clean beaches.
engineering internship

average to above average

I applied to Purdue engineering early action, wondering what my chances would be of getting in and what type of school it would be for me (reach, target, target-reach, safety)

The worst part of my application I think is the fact that I got a C in precal. I hope that wont pull my application down too much and was mostly the reason I am currently taking calc BC to show I competency in math.

I don’t really know anything but will weigh in anyway (ha!) - Your scores and grades are good enough IMHO and based on students from my D24 high school who have been admitted. But your intended majors may be more selective. I would still call it a target. Good luck!

I would say it’s a reach – Purdue CS has an acceptance rate below 20%, and your GPA is a bit on the low side for your intended major. Engineering at Purdue is also pretty competitive, with a much lower acceptance rate than its overall acceptance rate. On top of that you’re out of state so that doesn’t help. You have a chance, but don’t bank on it. GL!


I’d say it’s a reach. Low gpa and acceptable but low on the overall SAT scale.

Also note Purdue has a first year engineerimg requirement for CE at least.

@momofboiler1 often has the best insight to Purdue.

You asked where else - in state - UTD, Houston, Tech…… neighboring states publics like LSU, OU, OSU, Arkansas. UMN. Iowa State….for budget Alabama, Ms State. , UAH for smaller. Pitt althiugh you’re late. Penn State etc.

What is your budget ?

Good luck.

I am applying to engineering at purdue not computer science. Would that change my chances?

Engineering is easier but that is what I rated you on. It’s a reach but you applied so wait and find out but again you go through a general program the first year. It’s not direct admit to CE.

Who else in on your list to apply to ?

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Here are the stats from the Office of Future Engineers. They haven’t released info from this year’s incoming class:

Here is the academic profile for students admitted to our First-Year Engineering program in Fall 2022:

Fall 2022 Admitted Student Academic Profile||Average|Middle 50% Range|
| — | — | — |
|GPA (unweighted)|3.91|3.88 - 3.99|
|ACT Composite|32|31 - 35|
|SAT Composite|1443|1380 - 1520|

At this point College of Engineering is a reach for most students, although not as reachy as CS in the College of Science. It’s getting more and more competitive every cycle. Best of luck to you!

It looks like a reach to me also. Have you also applied to other schools where acceptance is more likely?

How are you doing in calculus? I am wondering whether you should consider getting a math tutor. At least in my experience calculus usually is easier for students who did very well in the prerequisites, so the C in precalculus concerns me a bit. Calculus is something that you want to learn well as a potential engineering student.

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Apologies. I thought you asked for other schools. Not sure why. So please ignore that part of my initial response. I misread something.

Slightly easier but a reach nonetheless. Anyways, there really isn’t much of a point to have people chance you after you apply. No amount of chancing or speculating will affect your decision or (potential) aid package.

Don’t fret over it – just take a deep breath, and hope for the best.



The C in Adv precalculus was mostly due to the harsh grading with the teacher. In adv algebra 2 I had a 98 and currently in calculus I have a low B.

Yea but the schools don’t see that.

If you struggle in calc, engineering will be hard anywhere. Get tutoring. Best of luck.

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That’s definitely better than a C, but still much worse than your average GPA. I agree with the above – you should get tutoring of some kind. It’ll be tough to survive in college engineering if you don’t have the foundations set.

If your contribution to your FTC team is significant on the engineering side, such as designing a unique mechanism that consistently perform well, it is likely to boost your chance. I had a team member who always did poorly on standard test but was a great engineer. I don’t remember if he is attending UC Boulder or school of mines. He was accepted to UT Dallas too.

I think that it is worthwhile to put in quite a bit of time and effort to try to pull this up as much as you can.

Calculus is something that you are going to use in the future.

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