<p>I've heard RD would be a slightly less competitive applicant pool than EA and was wondering what my chances might be.</p>
<p>Visited October 2008</p>
<p>-White female, Dallas, Texas
-Public High school, 3000+ kids
-Unweighted GPA: 3.71
-Top 7.5% of Class of 402
-Taken all available honors/APs</p>
<p>SAT: 1420 composite, 2100 total
cr: 730 math: 690 writing: 680</p>
<p>-AP Scholar (English Lang-5, US Hist-4, Calc AB-3)
-Texas Gifted and Talented Student (5th- 12th)
-Top 10% Recognition 9th-12th
-ILPC Newspaper Convention award for Feature Writing 2008
-Duke Talent Program recipient 9th grade</p>
<p>-National Honor Society Treasurer
-Vice-President an Co-founder of a Philosophy Club
-Varsity Soccer Starter on a top state-ranked High school team (10,11,12)
-Played soccer for 14 years, 7 years of Club Soccer (injured freshman year)
-Newspaper Staff Writer
-Student Government member (11th)</p>
<p>Essay: Very Confident
Rec's: Counselor-good, Teacher- former AP test grader and teacher, hopefully very good</p>
<p>Senior Class Schedule:
AP Biology
AP English IV/ Humanities IV
AP Economics
(exhausted all available math classes junior year with Calculus, or else I'd take one)</p>
<p>Please chance? Your thoughts are greatly appreciated :)</p>
<p>Those are pretty average scores for ND. Your resume is pretty standard for a Notre dame kid, so far as I know, which is promising. The big question is this: Will you continue soccer in college?</p>
<p>A friend of mine with similar grades got in with only a 2020 SAT… He’s now a sophomore. As for soccer, I haven’t decided. I’ve heard juggling sports and grades at a school like ND is quite complicated…</p>
<p>Good Luck to you. Your stats are great, but ND is so competitive. My D had similar stats, maybe a little higher on the test scores, with a 4.1 average, but was top 8% of her class of 600 and she was initially waitlisted, but her regional rep said he was the first call they made off the waitlist. Class rank is very important to ND and that is my concern for you, but I do believe that with your stats you will be at ND next year. If by chance you are waitlisted in April, please send me a message and I will give you any help I can. It is so worth the wait.</p>
<p>Yes, my class rank percentage was my main concern. We recently introduced another public high school, so instead of being 4% out of 770, I was reduced to 7.5% out of 400. Lucky me… But thank you so much for your advice, if waitlisted, I will definately be messaging you. :)</p>
<p>Do you know how much they value SATs at ND? I match up pretty solidly against their IQRs, so I’m hoping it’s a large factor.</p>
<p>This is my opinion from the admission process last year, at ND you have to have all the boxes checked. SATS are very important, but even with exceptionally high SATS you will need the class rank and extracurricular activities along with lots of APs to prove you just didn’t coast through high school to get in. A high class rank with lower test scores will not get you accepted. High test scores with a slightly lower class rank than the 5% unless it is a high school ND is particularly aware of may get you accepted, but more than likely will get you waitlisted unless you have a strong hook.</p>
<p>yeah, those things aren’t an issue, I was just curious.</p>